Source code for hed.validator.tag_validator

This module is used to validate the HED tags as strings.


import re
from hed.errors.error_reporter import ErrorHandler
from hed.models.model_constants import DefTagNames
from hed.schema import HedKey
from hed.errors.error_types import ValidationErrors
from hed.validator import tag_validator_util

[docs]class TagValidator: """ Validation for individual HED tags. """ CAMEL_CASE_EXPRESSION = r'([A-Z]+\s*[a-z-]*)+' INVALID_STRING_CHARS = '[]{}~' INVALID_STRING_CHARS_PLACEHOLDERS = '[]~' OPENING_GROUP_CHARACTER = '(' CLOSING_GROUP_CHARACTER = ')' COMMA = ',' # # sign is allowed by default as it is specifically checked for separately. DEFAULT_ALLOWED_PLACEHOLDER_CHARS = ".+-^ _#" # Placeholder characters are checked elsewhere, but by default allowed TAG_ALLOWED_CHARS = "-_/"
[docs] def __init__(self, hed_schema): """Constructor for the Tag_Validator class. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema): A HedSchema object. Returns: TagValidator: A Tag_Validator object. """ self._hed_schema = hed_schema # Dict contains all the value portion validators for value class. e.g. "is this a number?" self._value_unit_validators = self._register_default_value_validators()
# ========================================================================== # Top level validator functions # =========================================================================+
[docs] def run_hed_string_validators(self, hed_string_obj, allow_placeholders=False): """Basic high level checks of the hed string Parameters: hed_string_obj (HedString): A HED string. allow_placeholders: Allow placeholder and curly brace characters Returns: list: The validation issues associated with a HED string. Each issue is a dictionary. Notes: - Used for basic invalid characters or bad delimiters. """ validation_issues = [] validation_issues += self.check_invalid_character_issues(hed_string_obj.get_original_hed_string(), allow_placeholders) validation_issues += self.check_count_tag_group_parentheses(hed_string_obj.get_original_hed_string()) validation_issues += self.check_delimiter_issues_in_hed_string(hed_string_obj.get_original_hed_string()) for tag in hed_string_obj.get_all_tags(): validation_issues += self.check_tag_formatting(tag) return validation_issues
[docs] def run_validate_tag_characters(self, original_tag, allow_placeholders): """ Basic character validation of tags Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): A original tag. allow_placeholders (bool): Allow value class or extensions to be placeholders rather than a specific value. Returns: list: The validation issues associated with the characters. Each issue is dictionary. """ return self.check_tag_invalid_chars(original_tag, allow_placeholders)
[docs] def run_individual_tag_validators(self, original_tag, allow_placeholders=False, is_definition=False): """ Runs the hed_ops on the individual tags. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): A original tag. allow_placeholders (bool): Allow value class or extensions to be placeholders rather than a specific value. is_definition (bool): This tag is part of a Definition, not a normal line. Returns: list: The validation issues associated with the tags. Each issue is dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] # validation_issues += self.check_tag_invalid_chars(original_tag, allow_placeholders) if self._hed_schema: validation_issues += self.check_tag_exists_in_schema(original_tag) if original_tag.is_unit_class_tag(): validation_issues += self.check_tag_unit_class_units_are_valid(original_tag) elif original_tag.is_value_class_tag(): validation_issues += self.check_tag_value_class_valid(original_tag) elif original_tag.extension: validation_issues += self.check_for_invalid_extension_chars(original_tag) if not allow_placeholders: validation_issues += self.check_for_placeholder(original_tag, is_definition) validation_issues += self.check_tag_requires_child(original_tag) validation_issues += self.check_capitalization(original_tag) return validation_issues
[docs] def run_tag_level_validators(self, original_tag_list, is_top_level, is_group): """ Run hed_ops at each level in a HED string. Parameters: original_tag_list (list): A list containing the original HedTags. is_top_level (bool): If True, this group is a "top level tag group". is_group (bool): If true, group is contained by parenthesis. Returns: list: The validation issues associated with each level in a HED string. Notes: - This is for the top-level, all groups, and nested groups. - This can contain definitions, Onset, etc tags. """ validation_issues = [] validation_issues += self.check_tag_level_issue(original_tag_list, is_top_level, is_group) return validation_issues
[docs] def run_all_tags_validators(self, tags): """ Validate the multi-tag properties in a hed string. Parameters: tags (list): A list containing the HedTags in a HED string. Returns: list: The validation issues associated with the tags in a HED string. Each issue is a dictionary. Notes: - Multi-tag properties include required tags. """ validation_issues = [] if self._hed_schema: validation_issues += self.check_for_required_tags(tags) validation_issues += self.check_multiple_unique_tags_exist(tags) return validation_issues
# ========================================================================== # Mostly internal functions to check individual types of errors # =========================================================================+
[docs] def check_invalid_character_issues(self, hed_string, allow_placeholders): """ Report invalid characters. Parameters: hed_string (str): A hed string. allow_placeholders: Allow placeholder and curly brace characters Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. Notes: - Invalid tag characters are defined by TagValidator.INVALID_STRING_CHARS or TagValidator.INVALID_STRING_CHARS_PLACEHOLDERS """ validation_issues = [] invalid_dict = TagValidator.INVALID_STRING_CHARS if allow_placeholders: invalid_dict = TagValidator.INVALID_STRING_CHARS_PLACEHOLDERS for index, character in enumerate(hed_string): if character in invalid_dict or ord(character) > 127: validation_issues += self._report_invalid_character_error(hed_string, index) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_count_tag_group_parentheses(self, hed_string): """ Report unmatched parentheses. Parameters: hed_string (str): A hed string. Returns: list: A list of validation list. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] number_open_parentheses = hed_string.count('(') number_closed_parentheses = hed_string.count(')') if number_open_parentheses != number_closed_parentheses: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.PARENTHESES_MISMATCH, opening_parentheses_count=number_open_parentheses, closing_parentheses_count=number_closed_parentheses) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_delimiter_issues_in_hed_string(self, hed_string): """ Report missing commas or commas in value tags. Parameters: hed_string (str): A hed string. Returns: list: A validation issues list. Each issue is a dictionary. """ last_non_empty_valid_character = '' last_non_empty_valid_index = 0 current_tag = '' issues = [] for i, current_character in enumerate(hed_string): current_tag += current_character if not current_character.strip(): continue if TagValidator._character_is_delimiter(current_character): if current_tag.strip() == current_character: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_EMPTY, source_string=hed_string, char_index=i) current_tag = '' continue current_tag = '' elif current_character == self.OPENING_GROUP_CHARACTER: if current_tag.strip() == self.OPENING_GROUP_CHARACTER: current_tag = '' else: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.COMMA_MISSING, tag=current_tag) elif last_non_empty_valid_character == "," and current_character == self.CLOSING_GROUP_CHARACTER: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_EMPTY, source_string=hed_string, char_index=i) elif TagValidator._comma_is_missing_after_closing_parentheses(last_non_empty_valid_character, current_character): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.COMMA_MISSING, tag=current_tag[:-1]) break last_non_empty_valid_character = current_character last_non_empty_valid_index = i if TagValidator._character_is_delimiter(last_non_empty_valid_character): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_EMPTY, char_index=last_non_empty_valid_index, source_string=hed_string) return issues
pattern_doubleslash = re.compile(r"([ \t/]{2,}|^/|/$)")
[docs] def check_tag_formatting(self, original_tag): """ Report repeated or erroneous slashes. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] for match in self.pattern_doubleslash.finditer(original_tag.org_tag): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.NODE_NAME_EMPTY, tag=original_tag, index_in_tag=match.start(), index_in_tag_end=match.end()) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_tag_invalid_chars(self, original_tag, allow_placeholders): """ Report invalid characters in the given tag. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. allow_placeholders (bool): Allow placeholder characters(#) if True. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = self._check_invalid_prefix_issues(original_tag) allowed_chars = self.TAG_ALLOWED_CHARS if allow_placeholders: allowed_chars += "#" validation_issues += self._check_invalid_chars(original_tag.org_base_tag, allowed_chars, original_tag) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_tag_exists_in_schema(self, original_tag): """ Report invalid tag or doesn't take a value. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] if original_tag.is_basic_tag() or original_tag.is_takes_value_tag(): return validation_issues is_extension_tag = original_tag.has_attribute(HedKey.ExtensionAllowed) if not is_extension_tag: actual_error = None if "#" in original_tag.extension: actual_error = ValidationErrors.PLACEHOLDER_INVALID validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_EXTENSION_INVALID, tag=original_tag, actual_error=actual_error) else: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_EXTENDED, tag=original_tag, index_in_tag=len(original_tag.org_base_tag), index_in_tag_end=None) return validation_issues
def _check_value_class(self, original_tag, stripped_value, report_as, error_code=None): """Returns any issues found if this is a value tag""" validation_issues = [] if original_tag.is_takes_value_tag() and \ not self._validate_value_class_portion(original_tag, stripped_value): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.VALUE_INVALID, report_as) if error_code: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.VALUE_INVALID, report_as, actual_error=error_code) return validation_issues def _check_units(self, original_tag, bad_units, report_as): """Returns an issue noting this is either bad units, or missing units""" if bad_units: tag_unit_class_units = original_tag.get_tag_unit_class_units() validation_issue = ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.UNITS_INVALID, tag=report_as, units=tag_unit_class_units) else: default_unit = original_tag.default_unit validation_issue = ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.UNITS_MISSING, tag=report_as, default_unit=default_unit) return validation_issue
[docs] def check_tag_unit_class_units_are_valid(self, original_tag, report_as=None, error_code=None): """ Report incorrect unit class or units. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. report_as (HedTag): Report errors as coming from this tag, rather than original_tag. error_code (str): Override error codes to this Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] if original_tag.is_unit_class_tag(): stripped_value, unit = original_tag.get_stripped_unit_value() if not unit: # Todo: in theory this should separately validate the number and the units, for units # that are prefixes like $. Right now those are marked as unit invalid AND value_invalid. bad_units = " " in original_tag.extension report_as = report_as if report_as else original_tag if bad_units: stripped_value = stripped_value.split(" ")[0] validation_issues += self._check_value_class(original_tag, stripped_value, report_as, error_code) validation_issues += self._check_units(original_tag, bad_units, report_as) # We don't want to give this overall error twice if error_code and not any(error_code == issue['code'] for issue in validation_issues): new_issue = validation_issues[0].copy() new_issue['code'] = error_code validation_issues += [new_issue] return validation_issues
[docs] def check_tag_value_class_valid(self, original_tag, report_as=None, error_code=None): """ Report an invalid value portion. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. report_as (HedTag): Report errors as coming from this tag, rather than original_tag. error_code (str): Override error codes to this Returns: list: Validation issues. """ validation_issues = [] if not self._validate_value_class_portion(original_tag, original_tag.extension): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.VALUE_INVALID, report_as if report_as else original_tag, actual_error=error_code) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_tag_requires_child(self, original_tag): """ Report if tag is a leaf with 'requiredTag' attribute. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] if original_tag.has_attribute(HedKey.RequireChild): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_REQUIRES_CHILD, tag=original_tag) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_for_invalid_extension_chars(self, original_tag): """Report invalid characters in extension/value. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag that is used to report the error. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ allowed_chars = self.TAG_ALLOWED_CHARS allowed_chars += self.DEFAULT_ALLOWED_PLACEHOLDER_CHARS allowed_chars += " " return self._check_invalid_chars(original_tag.extension, allowed_chars, original_tag, starting_index=len(original_tag.org_base_tag) + 1)
[docs] def check_capitalization(self, original_tag): """Report warning if incorrect tag capitalization. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The original tag used to report the warning. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] tag_names = original_tag.org_base_tag.split("/") for tag_name in tag_names: correct_tag_name = tag_name.capitalize() if tag_name != correct_tag_name and not, tag_name): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.STYLE_WARNING, tag=original_tag) break return validation_issues
[docs] def check_tag_level_issue(self, original_tag_list, is_top_level, is_group): """ Report tags incorrectly positioned in hierarchy. Parameters: original_tag_list (list): HedTags containing the original tags. is_top_level (bool): If True, this group is a "top level tag group" is_group (bool): If true group should be contained by parenthesis Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. Notes: - Top-level groups can contain definitions, Onset, etc tags. """ validation_issues = [] top_level_tags = [tag for tag in original_tag_list if tag.base_tag_has_attribute(HedKey.TopLevelTagGroup)] tag_group_tags = [tag for tag in original_tag_list if tag.base_tag_has_attribute(HedKey.TagGroup)] for tag_group_tag in tag_group_tags: if not is_group: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_TAG_GROUP_TAG, tag=tag_group_tag) for top_level_tag in top_level_tags: if not is_top_level: actual_code = None if top_level_tag.short_base_tag == DefTagNames.DEFINITION_ORG_KEY: actual_code = ValidationErrors.DEFINITION_INVALID elif top_level_tag.short_base_tag in {DefTagNames.ONSET_ORG_KEY, DefTagNames.OFFSET_ORG_KEY}: actual_code = ValidationErrors.ONSET_OFFSET_INSET_ERROR if actual_code: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_TOP_LEVEL_TAG, tag=top_level_tag, actual_error=actual_code) validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_TOP_LEVEL_TAG, tag=top_level_tag) if is_top_level and len(top_level_tags) > 1: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_MULTIPLE_TOP_TAGS, tag=top_level_tags[0], multiple_tags=top_level_tags[1:]) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_for_required_tags(self, tags): """ Report missing required tags. Parameters: tags (list): HedTags containing the tags. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] required_prefixes = self._hed_schema.get_tags_with_attribute(HedKey.Required) for required_prefix in required_prefixes: if not any(tag.long_tag.lower().startswith(required_prefix.lower()) for tag in tags): validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.REQUIRED_TAG_MISSING, tag_namespace=required_prefix) return validation_issues
[docs] def check_multiple_unique_tags_exist(self, tags): """ Report if multiple identical unique tags exist A unique Term can only appear once in a given HedString. Unique terms are terms with the 'unique' property in the schema. Parameters: tags (list): HedTags containing the tags. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ validation_issues = [] unique_prefixes = self._hed_schema.get_tags_with_attribute(HedKey.Unique) for unique_prefix in unique_prefixes: unique_tag_prefix_bool_mask = [x.long_tag.lower().startswith(unique_prefix.lower()) for x in tags] if sum(unique_tag_prefix_bool_mask) > 1: validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_NOT_UNIQUE, tag_namespace=unique_prefix) return validation_issues
# ========================================================================== # Private utility functions # =========================================================================+ def _check_invalid_prefix_issues(self, original_tag): """Check for invalid schema namespace.""" issues = [] schema_namespace = original_tag.schema_namespace if schema_namespace and not schema_namespace[:-1].isalpha(): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.TAG_NAMESPACE_PREFIX_INVALID, tag=original_tag, tag_namespace=schema_namespace) return issues def _validate_value_class_portion(self, original_tag, portion_to_validate): if portion_to_validate is None: return False value_class_types = original_tag.value_classes return self.validate_value_class_type(portion_to_validate, value_class_types) def _report_invalid_character_error(self, hed_string, index): """ Report an invalid character. Parameters: hed_string (str): The HED string that caused the error. index (int): The index of the invalid character in the HED string. Returns: list: A singleton list with a dictionary representing the error. """ error_type = ValidationErrors.CHARACTER_INVALID character = hed_string[index] if character == "~": error_type = ValidationErrors.TILDES_UNSUPPORTED return ErrorHandler.format_error(error_type, char_index=index, source_string=hed_string) @staticmethod def _comma_is_missing_after_closing_parentheses(last_non_empty_character, current_character): """ Checks if missing comma after a closing parentheses. Parameters: last_non_empty_character (str): The last non-empty string in the HED string. current_character (str): The current character in the HED string. Returns: bool: True if a comma is missing after a closing parentheses. False, if otherwise. Notes: - This is a helper function for the find_missing_commas_in_hed_string function. """ return last_non_empty_character == TagValidator.CLOSING_GROUP_CHARACTER and \ not (TagValidator._character_is_delimiter(current_character) or current_character == TagValidator.CLOSING_GROUP_CHARACTER) @staticmethod def _character_is_delimiter(character): """ Checks if the character is a delimiter. Parameters: character (str): A string character. Returns: bool: Returns true if the character is a delimiter. False, if otherwise. Notes: - A delimiter is a comma. """ return character == TagValidator.COMMA
[docs] def check_for_placeholder(self, original_tag, is_definition=False): """ Report invalid placeholder characters. Parameters: original_tag (HedTag): The HedTag to be checked is_definition (bool): If True, placeholders are allowed. Returns: list: Validation issues. Each issue is a dictionary. Notes: - Invalid placeholder may appear in the extension/value portion of a tag. """ validation_issues = [] if not is_definition: starting_index = len(original_tag.org_base_tag) + 1 for i, character in enumerate(original_tag.extension): if character == "#": validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.INVALID_TAG_CHARACTER, tag=original_tag, index_in_tag=starting_index + i, index_in_tag_end=starting_index + i + 1, actual_error=ValidationErrors.PLACEHOLDER_INVALID) return validation_issues
def _check_invalid_chars(self, check_string, allowed_chars, source_tag, starting_index=0): validation_issues = [] for i, character in enumerate(check_string): if character.isalnum(): continue if character in allowed_chars: continue # Todo: Remove this patch when clock times and invalid characters are more properly checked if character == ":": continue validation_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.INVALID_TAG_CHARACTER, tag=source_tag, index_in_tag=starting_index + i, index_in_tag_end=starting_index + i + 1) return validation_issues @staticmethod def _register_default_value_validators(): validator_dict = { tag_validator_util.DATE_TIME_VALUE_CLASS: tag_validator_util.is_date_time, tag_validator_util.NUMERIC_VALUE_CLASS: tag_validator_util.validate_numeric_value_class, tag_validator_util.TEXT_VALUE_CLASS: tag_validator_util.validate_text_value_class, tag_validator_util.NAME_VALUE_CLASS: tag_validator_util.validate_text_value_class } return validator_dict
[docs] def validate_value_class_type(self, unit_or_value_portion, valid_types): """ Report invalid unit or valid class values. Parameters: unit_or_value_portion (str): The value portion to validate. valid_types (list): The names of value class or unit class types (e.g. dateTime or dateTimeClass). Returns: type_valid (bool): True if this is one of the valid_types validators. """ for unit_class_type in valid_types: valid_func = self._value_unit_validators.get(unit_class_type) if valid_func: if valid_func(unit_or_value_portion): return True return False