
This module is used to report errors found in the validation.

You can scope the formatted errors with calls to push_error_context and pop_error_context.



Returns True if there are any errors with a severity of warning


If error code is a known code, return a documentation url for it

get_printable_issue_string(issues[, title, ...])

Return a string with issues list flatted into single string, one per line.

get_printable_issue_string_html(issues[, ...])

Return a string with issues list as an HTML tree.

hed_error(error_type[, default_severity, ...])

Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes.

hed_tag_error(error_type[, ...])

Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes.


Utility function to remove any references to tags, strings, etc from any type of nested list or dict

sort_issues(issues[, reverse])

Sorts a list of issues by the error context values.


Returns True if there are any errors with a severity of warning

If error code is a known code, return a documentation url for it


error_code (str) – A HED error code


The URL if it’s a valid code

Return type:

url(str or None)

get_printable_issue_string(issues, title=None, severity=None, skip_filename=True, add_link=False)[source]

Return a string with issues list flatted into single string, one per line.

  • issues (list) – Issues to print.

  • title (str) – Optional title that will always show up first if present(even if there are no validation issues).

  • severity (int) – Return only warnings >= severity.

  • skip_filename (bool) – If true, don’t add the filename context to the printable string.

  • add_link (bool) – Add a link at the end of message to the appropriate error if True


A string containing printable version of the issues or ‘’.

Return type:


get_printable_issue_string_html(issues, title=None, severity=None, skip_filename=True)[source]

Return a string with issues list as an HTML tree.

  • issues (list) – Issues to print.

  • title (str) – Optional title that will always show up first if present.

  • severity (int) – Return only warnings >= severity.

  • skip_filename (bool) – If true, don’t add the filename context to the printable string.


An HTML string containing the issues or ‘’.

Return type:


hed_error(error_type, default_severity=1, actual_code=None)[source]

Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes.

  • error_type (str) – A value from error_types or optionally another value.

  • default_severity (ErrorSeverity) – The default severity for the decorated error.

  • actual_code (str) – The actual error to report to the outside world.

hed_tag_error(error_type, default_severity=1, has_sub_tag=False, actual_code=None)[source]

Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes.

  • error_type (str) – A value from error_types or optionally another value.

  • default_severity (ErrorSeverity) – The default severity for the decorated error.

  • has_sub_tag (bool) – If true, this error message also wants a sub_tag passed down. eg “This” in “This/Is/A/Tag”

  • actual_code (str) – The actual error to report to the outside world.


Utility function to remove any references to tags, strings, etc from any type of nested list or dict

Use this if you want to save out issues to a file.

If you’d prefer a copy returned, use replace_tag_references(list_or_dict.copy())


list_or_dict (list or dict) – An arbitrarily nested list/dict structure

sort_issues(issues, reverse=False)[source]

Sorts a list of issues by the error context values.

  • issues (list) – A list of dictionaries representing the issues to be sorted.

  • reverse (bool, optional) – If True, sorts the list in descending order. Default is False.


The sorted list of issues.

Return type:


