Source code for

""" Base class for remodeling operations. """

[docs]class BaseOp: """ Base class for operations. All remodeling operations should extend this class. The base class holds the parameters and does basic parameter checking against the operation's specification. """
[docs] def __init__(self, op_spec, parameters): """ Base class constructor for operations. Parameters: op_spec (dict): Specification for required and optional parameters. parameters (dict): Actual values of the parameters for the operation. :raises KeyError: - If a required parameter is missing. - If an unexpected parameter is provided. :raises TypeError: - If a parameter has the wrong type. :raises ValueError: - If the specification is missing a valid operation. """ self.operation = op_spec.get("operation", "") if not self.operation: raise ValueError("OpMustHaveOperation", "Op must have operation is empty") self.required_params = op_spec.get("required_parameters", {}) self.optional_params = op_spec.get("optional_parameters", {}) self.check_parameters(parameters)
[docs] def check_parameters(self, parameters): """ Verify that the parameters meet the operation specification. Parameters: parameters (dict): Dictionary of parameters for this operation. :raises KeyError: - If a required parameter is missing. - If an unexpected parameter is provided. :raises TypeError: - If a parameter has the wrong type. """ required = set(self.required_params.keys()) required_missing = required.difference(set(parameters.keys())) if required_missing: raise KeyError("MissingRequiredParameters", f"{self.operation} requires parameters {list(required_missing)}") for param_name, param_value in parameters.items(): if param_name in self.required_params: param_type = self.required_params[param_name] elif param_name in self.optional_params: param_type = self.optional_params[param_name] else: raise KeyError("BadParameter", f"{param_name} not a required or optional parameter for {self.operation}") if isinstance(param_type, list): self._check_list_type(param_value, param_type) elif not isinstance(param_value, param_type): raise TypeError("BadType", f"{param_value} has type {type(param_value)} not {param_type}")
[docs] def do_op(self, dispatcher, df, name, sidecar=None): """ Base class method to be overridden by each operation. Parameters: dispatcher (Dispatcher): Manages the operation I/O. df (DataFrame): The tabular file to be remodeled. name (str): Unique identifier for the data -- often the original file path. sidecar (Sidecar or file-like): A JSON sidecar needed for HED operations. """ return df.copy()
@staticmethod def _check_list_type(param_value, param_type): """ Check a parameter value against its specified type. Parameters: param_value (any): The value to be checked. param_type (any): Class to check the param_value against. :raises TypeError: - If param_value is not an instance of param_type. """ for this_type in param_type: if isinstance(param_value, this_type): return raise TypeError("BadType", f"{param_value} has type {type(param_value)} which is not in {str(param_type)}")