Source code for

""" Manages definitions associated with a type such as condition-variable. """

from hed.models.hed_tag import HedTag
from hed.models.definition_dict import DefinitionDict

[docs]class HedTypeDefs: """ Properties: def_map (dict): keys are definition names, values are dict {type_values, description, tags} Example: A definition 'famous-face-cond' with contents `(Condition-variable/Face-type,Description/A face that should be recognized by the participants,(Image,(Face,Famous)))` would have type_values ['face_type']. All items are strings not objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, definitions, type_tag='condition-variable'): """ Create a definition manager for a type of variable. Parameters: definitions (dict or DefinitionDict): A dictionary of DefinitionEntry objects. type_tag (str): Lower-case HED tag string representing the type managed. """ self.type_tag = type_tag.lower() if isinstance(definitions, DefinitionDict): self.definitions = definitions.defs elif isinstance(definitions, dict): self.definitions = definitions else: self.definitions = {} self.def_map = self._extract_def_map() # dict def names vs {description, tags, type_values} self.type_map = self._extract_type_map() # Dictionary of type_values vs dict definition names
[docs] def get_type_values(self, item): """ Return a list of type_tag values in item. Parameters: item (HedTag, HedGroup, or HedString): An item potentially containing def tags. Returns: list: A list of the unique values associated with this type """ def_names = self.extract_def_names(item, no_value=True) type_values = [] for def_name in def_names: values = self.def_map.get(def_name.lower(), {}) if "type_values" in values: type_values = type_values + values["type_values"] return type_values
@property def type_def_names(self): """ List of names of definition that have this type-variable. Returns: list: definition names that have this type. """ return list(self.def_map.keys()) @property def type_names(self): """ List of names of the type-variables associated with type definitions. Returns: list: type names associated with the type definitions """ return list(self.type_map.keys()) def _extract_def_map(self): """ Extract type_variables associated with each definition and add them to def_map. """ def_map = {} for entry in self.definitions.values(): type_def, type_values, description, other_tags = self._extract_entry_values(entry) if type_def: def_map[type_def.lower()] = \ {'def_name': type_def, 'type_values': type_values, 'description': description, 'tags': other_tags} return def_map def _extract_type_map(self): """ Extract the definitions associated with each type value and add them to the dictionary. """ type_map = {} for def_name, def_values in self.def_map.items(): if not def_values['type_values']: continue for type_value in def_values['type_values']: this_map = type_map.get(type_value, {}) this_map[def_name] = '' type_map[type_value] = this_map return type_map def _extract_entry_values(self, entry): """ Extract a list of type_variables associated with a definition. Parameters: entry (DictionaryEntry): A definition entry to be processed. Returns: list: A list of type_variables associated with this definition. str: The contents of a description tag if any. """ tag_list = entry.contents.get_all_tags() type_values = [] type_def = "" description = '' other_tags = [] for hed_tag in tag_list: if hed_tag.short_base_tag.lower() == 'description': description = hed_tag.extension elif hed_tag.short_base_tag.lower() != self.type_tag: other_tags.append(hed_tag.short_base_tag) else: type_values.append(hed_tag.extension.lower()) type_def = return type_def, type_values, description, other_tags
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_def_names(item, no_value=True): """ Return a list of Def values in item. Parameters: item (HedTag, HedGroup, or HedString): An item containing a def tag. no_value (bool): If True, strip off extra values after the definition name. Returns: list: A list of definition names (as strings). """ if isinstance(item, HedTag) and 'def' in item.tag_terms: names = [item.extension.lower()] else: names = [tag.extension.lower() for tag in item.get_all_tags() if 'def' in tag.tag_terms] if no_value: for index, name in enumerate(names): name, name_value = HedTypeDefs.split_name(name) names[index] = name return names
[docs] @staticmethod def split_name(name, lowercase=True): """ Split a name/# or name/x into name, x. Parameters: name (str): The extension or value portion of a tag lowercase (bool): If True Returns: str: name of the definition str: value of the definition if it has one """ if not name: return None, None parts = name.split('/', 1) def_name = parts[0] def_value = '' if len(parts) > 1: def_value = parts[1] if lowercase: return def_name.lower(), def_value.lower() else: return def_name, def_value