Source code for

""" Representation of a file dictionary keyed by entity indices. """
import os
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError

[docs]class FileDictionary: """ A file dictionary keyed by entity pair indices. Notes: - The entities are identified as 0, 1, ... depending on order in the base filename. - The entity key-value pairs are assumed separated by '_' unless a separator is provided. """
[docs] def __init__(self, collection_name, file_list, key_indices=(0, 2), separator='_'): """ Create a dictionary with full paths as values. Parameters: collection_name (str): Name of the file collection for reference. file_list (list, None): List containing full paths of files of interest. key_indices (tuple, None): List of order of key-value pieces to assemble for the key. separator (str): Character used to separate pieces of key name. Notes: - This dictionary is used for cross listing BIDS style files for different studies. - Examples: If key_indices is (0, 2), the key generated for /tmp/sub-001_task-FaceCheck_run-01_events.tsv is sub_001_run-01. """ self.collection_name = collection_name self._file_dict = {} self.create_file_dict(file_list, key_indices, separator)
@property def name(self): """ Name of this dictionary""" return self.collection_name @property def key_list(self): """ Keys in this dictionary. """ return list(self._file_dict.keys()) @property def file_dict(self): """ Dictionary of path values in this dictionary. """ return self._file_dict @property def file_list(self): """ List of path values in this dictionary. """ return list(self._file_dict.values())
[docs] def create_file_dict(self, file_list, key_indices, separator): """ Create new dict based on key indices. Parameters: file_list (list): Paths of the files to include. key_indices (tuple): A tuple of integers representing order of entities for key. separator (str): The separator used between entities to form the key. """ if key_indices: self._file_dict = self.make_file_dict(file_list, key_indices=key_indices, separator=separator)
[docs] def get_file_path(self, key): """ Return file path corresponding to key. Parameters: key (str): Key used to retrieve the file path. Returns: str: File path. """ return self._file_dict.get(key, None)
[docs] def iter_files(self): """ Iterator over the files in this dictionary. Yields: - str: Key into the dictionary. - file: File path. """ for key, file in self._file_dict.items(): yield key, file
[docs] def key_diffs(self, other_dict): """ Return symmetric key difference with other. Parameters: other_dict (FileDictionary) A file dictionary object Returns: list: The symmetric difference of the keys in this dictionary and the other one. """ diffs = set(self._file_dict.keys()).symmetric_difference(set(other_dict._file_dict.keys())) return list(diffs)
[docs] def output_files(self, title=None, logger=None): """ Return a string with the output of the list. Parameters: title (None, str): Optional title. logger (HedLogger): Optional HED logger for recording. Returns: str: The dictionary in string form. Notes: - The logger is updated if available. """ output_list = [] if title: output_list.append(f"{title} ({len(self.key_list)} files)") for key, value in self._file_dict.items(): basename = os.path.basename(self.get_file_path(key)) output_list.append(f"{key}: {basename}") if logger: logger.add(key, f"{}: {basename}") return "\n".join(output_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_file_dict(file_list, key_indices=(0, 2), separator='_'): """ Return a dictionary of files using entity keys. Parameters: file_list (list): Paths to files to use. key_indices (tuple): Positions of entities to use for key. separator (str): Separator character used to construct key. Returns: dict: Key is based on key indices and value is a full path. """ file_dict = {} for the_file in file_list: the_file = os.path.realpath(the_file) base = os.path.basename(the_file) key = FileDictionary.make_key(base, indices=key_indices, separator=separator) if key in file_dict: raise HedFileError("NonUniqueFileKeys", f"dictionary key {key} is associated with {the_file} and {file_dict[key]}", "") file_dict[key] = the_file return file_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def make_key(key_string, indices=(0, 2), separator='_'): """ Create a key from specified entities. Parameters: key_string (str): The string from which to extract the key (usually a filename or path). indices (tuple): Positions of entity pairs to use as key. separator (str): Separator between entity pairs in the created key. Returns: str: The created key. """ key_value = '' pieces = key_string.split(separator) for index in list(indices): key_value += pieces[index] + separator return key_value[:-1]