Source code for hed.schema.schema_io.schema2xml

"""Allows output of HedSchema objects as .xml format"""

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedSectionKey
from hed.schema.schema_io import xml_constants
from hed.schema.schema_io.schema2base import Schema2Base

[docs]class Schema2XML(Schema2Base):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.hed_node = Element('HED') # alias this to output to match baseclass expectation. self.output = self.hed_node
# ========================================= # Required baseclass function # ========================================= def _output_header(self, attributes, prologue): for attrib_name, attrib_value in attributes.items(): self.hed_node.set(attrib_name, attrib_value) if prologue: prologue_node = SubElement(self.hed_node, xml_constants.PROLOGUE_ELEMENT) prologue_node.text = prologue def _output_footer(self, epilogue): if epilogue: prologue_node = SubElement(self.hed_node, xml_constants.EPILOGUE_ELEMENT) prologue_node.text = epilogue def _start_section(self, key_class): unit_modifier_node = SubElement(self.hed_node, xml_constants.SECTION_ELEMENTS[key_class]) return unit_modifier_node def _end_tag_section(self): pass def _write_tag_entry(self, tag_entry, parent_node=None, level=0): """ Creates a tag node and adds it to the parent. Parameters ---------- tag_entry: HedTagEntry The entry for that tag we want to write out parent_node: SubElement The parent node if any of this tag. level: int The level of this tag, 0 being a root tag. Returns ------- SubElement The added node """ key_class = HedSectionKey.Tags tag_element = xml_constants.ELEMENT_NAMES[key_class] tag_description = tag_entry.description tag_attributes = tag_entry.attributes tag_node = SubElement(parent_node, tag_element) name_node = SubElement(tag_node, xml_constants.NAME_ELEMENT) name_node.text ="/")[-1] if tag_description: description_node = SubElement(tag_node, xml_constants.DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT) description_node.text = tag_description if tag_attributes: attribute_node_name = xml_constants.ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY_ELEMENTS[key_class] self._add_tag_node_attributes(tag_node, tag_attributes, attribute_node_name=attribute_node_name) return tag_node def _write_entry(self, entry, parent_node=None, include_props=True): """ Creates an entry node and adds it to the parent. Parameters ---------- entry: HedSchemaEntry The entry for that tag we want to write out parent_node: SubElement The parent node of this tag, if any include_props: bool Add the description and attributes to new node. Returns ------- SubElement The added node """ key_class = entry.section_key element = xml_constants.ELEMENT_NAMES[key_class] tag_description = entry.description tag_attributes = entry.attributes tag_node = SubElement(parent_node, element) name_node = SubElement(tag_node, xml_constants.NAME_ELEMENT) name_node.text = if include_props: if tag_description: description_node = SubElement(tag_node, xml_constants.DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT) description_node.text = tag_description if tag_attributes: attribute_node_name = xml_constants.ATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY_ELEMENTS[key_class] self._add_tag_node_attributes(tag_node, tag_attributes, attribute_node_name=attribute_node_name) return tag_node # ========================================= # Output helper functions to create nodes # ========================================= def _add_tag_node_attributes(self, tag_node, tag_attributes, attribute_node_name=xml_constants.ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT): """Adds the attributes to a tag. Parameters ---------- tag_node: Element A tag element. tag_attributes: {str:str} A dictionary of attributes to add to this node attribute_node_name: str The type of the node to use for attributes. Mostly used to override to property for attributes section. Returns ------- """ for attribute, value in tag_attributes.items(): if self._attribute_disallowed(attribute): continue node_name = attribute_node_name attribute_node = SubElement(tag_node, node_name) name_node = SubElement(attribute_node, xml_constants.NAME_ELEMENT) name_node.text = attribute if value is True: continue else: if not isinstance(value, list): value = value.split(",") for single_value in value: value_node = SubElement(attribute_node, xml_constants.VALUE_ELEMENT) value_node.text = single_value