Source code for hed.schema.hed_schema_base

    Abstract base class for HedSchema and HedSchemaGroup, showing the common functionality

from hed.errors import ErrorHandler
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedSectionKey
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class HedSchemaBase(ABC): """ Baseclass for schema and schema group. Overriding the following functions will allow you to use the schema for validation etc. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_schema_versions(self): """ A list of HED version strings including namespace and library name if any of this schema. Returns: list: The complete version of this schema including library name and namespace. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_formatted_version(self): """ The HED version string including namespace and library name if any of this schema. Returns: str: The complete version of this schema including library name and namespace. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
[docs] @abstractmethod def schema_for_namespace(self, namespace): """ Return the HedSchema for the library namespace. Parameters: namespace (str): A schema library name namespace. Returns: HedSchema or None: The specific schema for this library name namespace if exists. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
@property @abstractmethod def valid_prefixes(self): """ Return a list of all prefixes this group will accept. Returns: prefixes(list of str): A list of strings representing valid prefixes for this group. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_tags_with_attribute(self, attribute, key_class=HedSectionKey.Tags): """ Return tag entries with the given attribute. Parameters: attribute (str): A tag attribute. Eg HedKey.ExtensionAllowed key_class (HedSectionKey): The HedSectionKey for the section to retrieve from. Returns: list: A list of all tags with this attribute. Notes: - The result is cached so will be fast after first call. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
# todo: maybe tweak this API so you don't have to pass in library namespace?
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_tag_entry(self, name, key_class=HedSectionKey.Tags, schema_namespace=""): """ Return the schema entry for this tag, if one exists. Parameters: name (str): Any form of basic tag(or other section entry) to look up. This will not handle extensions or similar. If this is a tag, it can have a schema namespace, but it's not required key_class (HedSectionKey or str): The type of entry to return. schema_namespace (str): Only used on Tags. If incorrect, will return None. Returns: HedSchemaEntry: The schema entry for the given tag. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
[docs] @abstractmethod def find_tag_entry(self, tag, schema_namespace=""): """ Find the schema entry for a given source tag. Parameters: tag (str, HedTag): Any form of tag to look up. Can have an extension, value, etc. schema_namespace (str): The schema namespace of the tag, if any. Returns: HedTagEntry: The located tag entry for this tag. str: The remainder of the tag that isn't part of the base tag. list: A list of errors while converting. Notes: Works left to right (which is mostly relevant for errors). """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
@abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_compliance(self, check_for_warnings=True, name=None, error_handler=None): """ Check for HED3 compliance of this schema. Parameters: check_for_warnings (bool): If True, checks for formatting issues like invalid characters, capitalization. name (str): If present, use as the filename for context, rather than using the actual filename. Useful for temp filenames when supporting web services. error_handler (ErrorHandler or None): Used to report errors. Uses a default one if none passed in. Returns: list: A list of all warnings and errors found in the file. Each issue is a dictionary. """ raise NotImplemented("This function must be implemented in the baseclass")