Source code for hed.models.sidecar

import json
import re

from hed.models.column_metadata import ColumnMetadata
from hed.errors.error_types import ErrorContext
from hed.errors import ErrorHandler
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError, HedExceptions
from hed.models.hed_string import HedString
from hed.models.column_metadata import ColumnType
from hed.models.definition_dict import DefinitionDict

[docs]class Sidecar: """ Contents of a JSON file or merged file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, files, name=None): """ Construct a Sidecar object representing a JSON file. Parameters: files (str or FileLike or list): A string or file-like object representing a JSON file, or a list of such. name (str or None): Optional name identifying this sidecar, generally a filename. """ = name self.loaded_dict = self.load_sidecar_files(files) self._def_dict = None self._extract_definition_issues = []
def __iter__(self): """ An iterator to go over the individual column metadata. Returns: iterator: An iterator over the column metadata values. """ return iter(self.column_data.values()) def __getitem__(self, column_name): if column_name not in self.loaded_dict: return None return ColumnMetadata(name=column_name) @property def all_hed_columns(self): """ Returns all columns that are HED compatible returns: column_refs(list): A list of all valid hed columns by name """ possible_column_references = [column.column_name for column in self if column.column_type != ColumnType.Ignore] return possible_column_references @property def def_dict(self): """This is the definitions from this sidecar. Generally you should instead call get_def_dict to get the relevant definitions Returns: DefinitionDict: The definitions for this sidecar """ return self._def_dict @property def column_data(self): """ Generates the ColumnMetadata for this sidecar Returns: dict({str:ColumnMetadata}): the column metadata defined by this sidecar """ return {col_name: ColumnMetadata(name=col_name, source=self.loaded_dict) for col_name in self.loaded_dict}
[docs] def get_def_dict(self, hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=None): """ Returns the definition dict for this sidecar. Parameters: hed_schema(HedSchema): used to identify tags to find definitions extra_def_dicts (list, DefinitionDict, or None): Extra dicts to add to the list. Returns: DefinitionDict: A single definition dict representing all the data(and extra def dicts) """ if self._def_dict is None and hed_schema: self._def_dict = self.extract_definitions(hed_schema) def_dicts = [] if self.def_dict: def_dicts.append(self.def_dict) if extra_def_dicts: if not isinstance(extra_def_dicts, list): extra_def_dicts = [extra_def_dicts] def_dicts += extra_def_dicts return DefinitionDict(def_dicts)
[docs] def save_as_json(self, save_filename): """ Save column metadata to a JSON file. Parameters: save_filename (str): Path to save file """ with open(save_filename, "w") as fp: json.dump(self.loaded_dict, fp, indent=4)
[docs] def get_as_json_string(self): """ Return this sidecar's column metadata as a string. Returns: str: The json string representing this sidecar. """ return json.dumps(self.loaded_dict, indent=4)
[docs] def load_sidecar_file(self, file): """ Load column metadata from a given json file. Parameters: file (str or FileLike): If a string, this is a filename. Otherwise, it will be parsed as a file-like. :raises HedFileError: - If the file was not found or could not be parsed into JSON. """ if not file: return {} elif isinstance(file, str): if not = file try: with open(file, "r") as fp: return self._load_json_file(fp) except OSError as e: raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.FILE_NOT_FOUND, e.strerror, file) from e else: return self._load_json_file(file)
[docs] def load_sidecar_files(self, files): """ Load json from a given file or list Parameters: files (str or FileLike or list): A string or file-like object representing a JSON file, or a list of such. :raises HedFileError: - If the file was not found or could not be parsed into JSON. """ if not files: return {} if not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] merged_dict = {} for file in files: loaded_json = self.load_sidecar_file(file) merged_dict.update(loaded_json) return merged_dict
[docs] def validate(self, hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=None, name=None, error_handler=None): """Create a SidecarValidator and validate this sidecar with the schema. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema): Input data to be validated. extra_def_dicts(list or DefinitionDict): Extra def dicts in addition to sidecar. name(str): The name to report this sidecar as. error_handler (ErrorHandler): Error context to use. Creates a new one if None. Returns: issues (list of dict): A list of issues associated with each level in the HED string. """ from hed.validator.sidecar_validator import SidecarValidator if error_handler is None: error_handler = ErrorHandler() validator = SidecarValidator(hed_schema) issues = validator.validate(self, extra_def_dicts, name, error_handler=error_handler) return issues
def _load_json_file(self, fp): """ Load the raw json of a given file Parameters: fp (File-like): The JSON source stream. :raises HedFileError: - If the file cannot be parsed. """ try: return json.load(fp) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, AttributeError) as e: raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.CANNOT_PARSE_JSON, str(e), from e
[docs] def extract_definitions(self, hed_schema, error_handler=None): """ Gather and validate definitions in metadata. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema): The schema to used to identify tags. error_handler (ErrorHandler or None): The error handler to use for context, uses a default one if None. Returns: DefinitionDict: Contains all the definitions located in the sidecar. """ if error_handler is None: error_handler = ErrorHandler() def_dict = DefinitionDict() self._extract_definition_issues = [] if hed_schema: for column_data in self: error_handler.push_error_context(ErrorContext.SIDECAR_COLUMN_NAME, column_data.column_name) hed_strings = column_data.get_hed_strings() for key_name, hed_string in hed_strings.items(): hed_string_obj = HedString(hed_string, hed_schema) if len(hed_strings) > 1: error_handler.push_error_context(ErrorContext.SIDECAR_KEY_NAME, key_name) error_handler.push_error_context(ErrorContext.HED_STRING, hed_string_obj) self._extract_definition_issues += def_dict.check_for_definitions(hed_string_obj, error_handler) error_handler.pop_error_context() if len(hed_strings) > 1: error_handler.pop_error_context() error_handler.pop_error_context() return def_dict
[docs] def get_column_refs(self): """ Returns a list of column refs found in this sidecar. This does not validate Returns: column_refs(list): A list of unique column refs found """ found_vals = set() for column_data in self: if column_data.column_type == ColumnType.Ignore: continue hed_strings = column_data.get_hed_strings() matches = hed_strings.str.findall(r"\{([a-z_\-0-9]+)\}", re.IGNORECASE) u_vals = [match for sublist in matches for match in sublist] found_vals.update(u_vals) return list(found_vals)