Source code for hed.models.hed_group

from hed.models.hed_tag import HedTag
import copy
from typing import Iterable, Union

[docs]class HedGroup: """ A single parenthesized hed string. """
[docs] def __init__(self, hed_string="", startpos=None, endpos=None, contents=None): """ Return an empty HedGroup object. Parameters: hed_string (str or None): Source hed string for this group. startpos (int or None): Starting index of group(including parentheses) in hed_string. endpos (int or None): Position after the end (including parentheses) in hed_string. contents (list or None): A list of HedTags and/or HedGroups that will be set as the contents of this group. Mostly used during definition expansion. """ self._startpos = startpos self._endpos = endpos self._hed_string = hed_string self._parent = None if contents: self.children = contents for child in self.children: child._parent = self else: self.children = [] self._original_children = self.children
[docs] def append(self, tag_or_group): """ Add a tag or group to this group. Parameters: tag_or_group (HedTag or HedGroup): The new object to add to this group. """ tag_or_group._parent = self self.children.append(tag_or_group)
[docs] def check_if_in_original(self, tag_or_group): """ Check if the tag or group in original string. Parameters: tag_or_group (HedTag or HedGroup): The HedTag or HedGroup to be looked for in this group. Returns: bool: True if in this group. """ node_list = [self] final_list = [] # Using an iterator is worse performance wise here. while node_list: current_group_or_tag = node_list.pop(0) if isinstance(current_group_or_tag, HedGroup): node_list = current_group_or_tag._original_children + node_list final_list.append(current_group_or_tag) return self._check_in_group(tag_or_group, final_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def replace(item_to_replace, new_contents): """ Replace an existing tag or group. Note: This is a static method that relies on the parent attribute of item_to_replace. Parameters: item_to_replace (HedTag or HedGroup): The item to replace must exist or this will raise an error. new_contents (HedTag or HedGroup): Replacement contents. :raises KeyError: - item_to_replace does not exist :raises AttributeError: - item_to_replace has no parent set """ parent = item_to_replace._parent parent._replace(item_to_replace=item_to_replace, new_contents=new_contents)
def _replace(self, item_to_replace, new_contents): """ Replace an existing tag or group. Parameters: item_to_replace (HedTag or HedGroup): The item to replace must exist and be a direct child, or this will raise an error. new_contents (HedTag or HedGroup): Replacement contents. :raises KeyError: - item_to_replace does not exist """ if self._original_children is self.children: self._original_children = self.children.copy() for i, child in enumerate(self.children): if item_to_replace is child: self.children[i] = new_contents new_contents._parent = self return raise KeyError(f"The tag {item_to_replace} not found in the group.")
[docs] def remove(self, items_to_remove: Iterable[Union[HedTag, 'HedGroup']]): """ Remove any tags/groups in items_to_remove. Parameters: items_to_remove (list): List of HedGroups and/or HedTags to remove by identity. Notes: - Any groups that become empty will also be pruned. - If you pass a child and parent group, the child will also be removed from the parent. """ empty_groups = [] # Filter out duplicates items_to_remove = {id(item): item for item in items_to_remove}.values() for item in items_to_remove: group = item._parent if group._original_children is group.children: group._original_children = group.children.copy() group.children.remove(item) if not group.children and group is not self: empty_groups.append(group) if empty_groups: self.remove(empty_groups) # Do this last to avoid confusing typing for item in items_to_remove: item._parent = None
def __copy__(self): raise ValueError("Cannot make shallow copies of HedGroups")
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a deep copy of this group. Returns: HedGroup: The copied group. """ save_parent = self._parent self._parent = None return_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) self._parent = save_parent return return_copy
[docs] def sort(self): """ Sort the tags and groups in this HedString in a consistent order.""" self._sorted(update_self=True)
[docs] def sorted(self): """ Returns a sorted copy of this hed group Returns: sorted_copy (HedGroup): The sorted copy """ string_copy = self.copy() string_copy._sorted(update_self=True) return string_copy
def _sorted(self, update_self=False): """ Returns a sorted copy of this hed group as a list of it's children Parameters: update_self (bool): If True, update the contents of this group to be sorted as well. Returns: list: The list of all tags in this group, with subgroups being returned as further nested lists """ tag_list = [] group_list = [] queue_list = list(self.children) for child in queue_list: if isinstance(child, HedTag): tag_list.append((child, child)) else: group_list.append((child, child._sorted(update_self))) tag_list.sort(key=lambda x: str(x[0])) group_list.sort(key=lambda x: str(x[0])) output_list = tag_list + group_list if update_self: self.children = [x[0] for x in output_list] return [x[1] for x in output_list] @property def is_group(self): """ True if this is a parenthesized group. """ return True
[docs] def get_all_tags(self): """ Return HedTags, including descendants. Returns: list: A list of all the tags in this group including descendants. """ node_list = [self] final_list = [] # Using an iterator is worse performance wise here. while node_list: current_group_or_tag = node_list.pop(0) if isinstance(current_group_or_tag, HedGroup): node_list = list(current_group_or_tag.children) + node_list else: final_list.append(current_group_or_tag) return final_list
[docs] def get_all_groups(self, also_return_depth=False): """ Return HedGroups, including descendants and self. Parameters: also_return_depth (bool): If True, yield tuples (group, depth) rather than just groups. Returns: list: The list of all HedGroups in this group, including descendants and self. """ node_list = [self] final_list = [] # Using an iterator is worse performance wise here. while node_list: current_group_or_tag = node_list.pop(0) if isinstance(current_group_or_tag, HedGroup): node_list = list(current_group_or_tag.children) + node_list final_list.append(current_group_or_tag) if also_return_depth: top_groups = self.groups() final_list = [(group, self._check_in_group(group, top_groups)) for group in final_list] return final_list
@staticmethod def _check_in_group(group, group_list): """ Return true if the group is list. Parameters: group (HedGroup): The group to check for. group_list (list): A list of groups to search. Returns: bool: True if group is in the group list. """ for val in group_list: if val is group: return True return False
[docs] def tags(self): """ Return the direct child tags of this group. Returns: list: All tags directly in this group, filtering out HedGroup children. """ return [tag for tag in self.children if isinstance(tag, HedTag)]
[docs] def groups(self): """ Return the direct child groups of this group. Returns: list: All groups directly in this group, filtering out HedTag children. """ return [group for group in self.children if isinstance(group, HedGroup)]
[docs] def get_first_group(self): """ Returns the first group in this hed string or group. Useful for things like Def-expand where they only have a single group. Raises a ValueError if there are no groups. Returns: HedGroup: The first group """ return self.groups()[0]
[docs] def get_original_hed_string(self): """ Get the original hed string. Returns: str: The original string with no modification. """ return self._hed_string[self._startpos:self._endpos]
@property def span(self): """ Return the source span. Return: int: start index of the group (including parentheses) from the source string. int: end index of the group (including parentheses) from the source string. """ return self._startpos, self._endpos def __str__(self): """ Convert this HedGroup to a string. Returns: str: The group as a string, including any modified HedTags. """ if self.is_group: return "(" + ",".join([str(child) for child in self.children]) + ")" return ",".join([str(child) for child in self.children])
[docs] def get_as_short(self): """ Return this HedGroup as a short tag string. Returns: str: The group as a string with all tags as short tags. """ return self.get_as_form("short_tag")
[docs] def get_as_long(self): """ Return this HedGroup as a long tag string. Returns: str: The group as a string with all tags as long tags. """ return self.get_as_form("long_tag")
[docs] def get_as_form(self, tag_attribute): """ Get the string corresponding to the specified form. Parameters: tag_attribute (str): The hed_tag property to use to construct the string (usually short_tag or long_tag). Returns: str: The constructed string after transformation """ result = ",".join([child.__getattribute__(tag_attribute) if isinstance(child, HedTag) else child.get_as_form(tag_attribute) for child in self.children]) if self.is_group: return f"({result})" return result
[docs] def lower(self): """ Convenience function, equivalent to str(self).lower() """ return str(self).lower()
[docs] def get_as_indented(self, tag_attribute="short_tag"): """Returns the string as a multiline indented format Parameters: tag_attribute (str): The hed_tag property to use to construct the string (usually short_tag or long_tag). Returns: formatted_hed (str): the indented string """ hed_string = self.sorted().get_as_form(tag_attribute) level_open = [] level = 0 indented = "" prev = '' for c in hed_string: if c == "(": level_open.append(level) indented += "\n" + "\t" * level + c level += 1 elif c == ")": level = level_open.pop() if prev == ")": indented += "\n" + "\t" * level + c else: indented += c else: indented += c prev = c return indented
[docs] def find_placeholder_tag(self): """ Return a placeholder tag, if present in this group. Returns: HedTag or None: The placeholder tag if found. Notes: - Assumes a valid HedString with no erroneous "#" characters. """ for tag in self.get_all_tags(): if tag.is_placeholder(): return tag return None
def __bool__(self): return bool(self.children) def __eq__(self, other): """ Test whether other is equal to this object. Note: This does not account for sorting. Objects must be in the same order to match. """ if self is other: return True # Allow us to compare to a list of groups. # Note this comparison will NOT check if the list has the outer parenthesis if isinstance(other, list): return self.children == other if isinstance(other, str): return str(self) == other if not isinstance(other, HedGroup) or self.children != other.children or self.is_group != other.is_group: return False return True
[docs] def find_tags(self, search_tags, recursive=False, include_groups=2): """ Find the base tags and their containing groups. This searches by short_base_tag, ignoring any ancestors or extensions/values. Parameters: search_tags (container): A container of short_base_tags to locate recursive (bool): If true, also check subgroups. include_groups (0, 1 or 2): Specify return values. If 0: return a list of the HedTags. If 1: return a list of the HedGroups containing the HedTags. If 2: return a list of tuples (HedTag, HedGroup) for the found tags. Returns: list: The contents of the list depends on the value of include_groups. """ found_tags = [] if recursive: tags = self.get_all_tags() else: tags = self.tags() for tag in tags: if tag.short_base_tag.lower() in search_tags: found_tags.append((tag, tag._parent)) if include_groups == 0 or include_groups == 1: return [tag[include_groups] for tag in found_tags] return found_tags
[docs] def find_wildcard_tags(self, search_tags, recursive=False, include_groups=2): """ Find the tags and their containing groups. This searches tag.short_tag, with an implicit wildcard on the end. e.g. "Eve" will find Event, but not Sensory-event Parameters: search_tags (container): A container of the starts of short tags to search. recursive (bool): If true, also check subgroups. include_groups (0, 1 or 2): Specify return values. If 0: return a list of the HedTags. If 1: return a list of the HedGroups containing the HedTags. If 2: return a list of tuples (HedTag, HedGroup) for the found tags. Returns: list: The contents of the list depends on the value of include_groups. """ found_tags = [] if recursive: tags = self.get_all_tags() else: tags = self.tags() for tag in tags: for search_tag in search_tags: if tag.short_tag.lower().startswith(search_tag): found_tags.append((tag, tag._parent)) # We can't find the same tag twice break if include_groups == 0 or include_groups == 1: return [tag[include_groups] for tag in found_tags] return found_tags
[docs] def find_exact_tags(self, exact_tags, recursive=False, include_groups=1): """ Find the given tags. This will only find complete matches, any extension or value must also match. Parameters: exact_tags (list of HedTag): A container of tags to locate. recursive (bool): If true, also check subgroups. include_groups(bool): 0, 1 or 2 If 0: Return only tags If 1: Return only groups If 2 or any other value: Return both Returns: list: A list of tuples. The contents depend on the values of the include_group. """ found_tags = [] if recursive: tags = self.get_all_tags() else: tags = self.tags() for tag in tags: if tag in exact_tags: found_tags.append((tag, tag._parent)) if include_groups == 0 or include_groups == 1: return [tag[include_groups] for tag in found_tags] return found_tags
[docs] def find_def_tags(self, recursive=False, include_groups=3): """ Find def and def-expand tags Parameters: recursive (bool): If true, also check subgroups. include_groups (int, 0, 1, 2, 3): options for return values If 0: Return only def and def expand tags/. If 1: Return only def tags and def-expand groups. If 2: Return only groups containing defs, or def-expand groups. If 3 or any other value: Return all 3 as a tuple. Returns: list: A list of tuples. The contents depend on the values of the include_group. """ if recursive: groups = self.get_all_groups() def_tags = [] for group in groups: def_tags += self._get_def_tags_from_group(group) else: def_tags = self._get_def_tags_from_group(self) if include_groups == 0 or include_groups == 1 or include_groups == 2: return [tag[include_groups] for tag in def_tags] return def_tags
@staticmethod def _get_def_tags_from_group(group): from hed.models.definition_dict import DefTagNames def_tags = [] for child in group.children: if isinstance(child, HedTag): if child.short_base_tag == DefTagNames.DEF_ORG_KEY: def_tags.append((child, child, group)) else: for tag in child.tags(): if tag.short_base_tag == DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_ORG_KEY: def_tags.append((tag, child, group)) return def_tags
[docs] def find_tags_with_term(self, term, recursive=False, include_groups=2): """ Find any tags that contain the given term. Note: This can only find identified tags. Parameters: term (str): A single term to search for. recursive (bool): If true, recursively check subgroups. include_groups(0, 1 or 2): Controls return values If 0: Return only tags If 1: Return only groups If 2 or any other value: Return both Returns: list: """ found_tags = [] if recursive: tags = self.get_all_tags() else: tags = self.tags() search_for = term.lower() for tag in tags: if search_for in tag.tag_terms: found_tags.append((tag, tag._parent)) if include_groups == 0 or include_groups == 1: return [tag[include_groups] for tag in found_tags] return found_tags