Source code for hed.models.df_util

from functools import partial
import pandas as pd

from hed.models.sidecar import Sidecar
from hed.models.tabular_input import TabularInput
from hed.models.hed_string import HedString
from hed.models.definition_dict import DefinitionDict

[docs]def get_assembled(tabular_file, sidecar, hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=None, join_columns=True, shrink_defs=False, expand_defs=True): """Load a tabular file and its associated HED sidecar file. Args: tabular_file: str or TabularInput The path to the tabular file, or a TabularInput object representing it. sidecar: str or Sidecar The path to the sidecar file, or a Sidecar object representing it. hed_schema: HedSchema If str, will attempt to load as a version if it doesn't have a valid extension. extra_def_dicts: list of DefinitionDict, optional Any extra DefinitionDict objects to use when parsing the HED tags. join_columns: bool If true, join all HED columns into one. shrink_defs: bool Shrink any def-expand tags found expand_defs: bool Expand any def tags found Returns: tuple: hed_strings(list of HedStrings):A list of HedStrings or a list of lists of HedStrings def_dict(DefinitionDict): The definitions from this Sidecar """ if isinstance(sidecar, str): sidecar = Sidecar(sidecar) if isinstance(tabular_file, str): tabular_file = TabularInput(tabular_file, sidecar) def_dict = None if sidecar: def_dict = sidecar.get_def_dict(hed_schema=hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=extra_def_dicts) if join_columns: if expand_defs: return [HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict).expand_defs() for x in tabular_file.series_a], def_dict elif shrink_defs: return [HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict).shrink_defs() for x in tabular_file.series_a], def_dict else: return [HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict) for x in tabular_file.series_a], def_dict else: return [[HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict).expand_defs() if expand_defs else HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict).shrink_defs() if shrink_defs else HedString(x, hed_schema, def_dict) for x in text_file_row] for text_file_row in tabular_file.dataframe_a.itertuples(index=False)], \ def_dict
[docs]def convert_to_form(df, hed_schema, tag_form, columns=None): """ Convert all tags in underlying dataframe to the specified form (in place). Parameters: df (pd.Dataframe or pd.Series): The dataframe or series to modify hed_schema (HedSchema): The schema to use to convert tags. tag_form(str): HedTag property to convert tags to. columns (list): The columns to modify on the dataframe. """ if isinstance(df, pd.Series): df[:] = df.apply(partial(_convert_to_form, hed_schema=hed_schema, tag_form=tag_form)) else: if columns is None: columns = df.columns for column in columns: df[column] = df[column].apply(partial(_convert_to_form, hed_schema=hed_schema, tag_form=tag_form))
[docs]def shrink_defs(df, hed_schema, columns=None): """ Shrink (in place) any def-expand tags found in the specified columns in the dataframe. Parameters: df (pd.Dataframe or pd.Series): The dataframe or series to modify hed_schema (HedSchema or None): The schema to use to identify defs. columns (list or None): The columns to modify on the dataframe. """ if isinstance(df, pd.Series): mask = df.str.contains('Def-expand/', case=False) df[mask] = df[mask].apply(partial(_shrink_defs, hed_schema=hed_schema)) else: if columns is None: columns = df.columns for column in columns: mask = df[column].str.contains('Def-expand/', case=False) df[column][mask] = df[column][mask].apply(partial(_shrink_defs, hed_schema=hed_schema))
[docs]def expand_defs(df, hed_schema, def_dict, columns=None): """ Expands any def tags found in the dataframe. Converts in place Parameters: df (pd.Dataframe or pd.Series): The dataframe or series to modify hed_schema (HedSchema or None): The schema to use to identify defs def_dict (DefinitionDict): The definitions to expand columns (list or None): The columns to modify on the dataframe """ if isinstance(df, pd.Series): mask = df.str.contains('Def/', case=False) df[mask] = df[mask].apply(partial(_expand_defs, hed_schema=hed_schema, def_dict=def_dict)) else: if columns is None: columns = df.columns for column in columns: mask = df[column].str.contains('Def/', case=False) df.loc[mask, column] = df.loc[mask, column].apply(partial(_expand_defs, hed_schema=hed_schema, def_dict=def_dict))
def _convert_to_form(hed_string, hed_schema, tag_form): return str(HedString(hed_string, hed_schema).get_as_form(tag_form)) def _shrink_defs(hed_string, hed_schema): return str(HedString(hed_string, hed_schema).shrink_defs()) def _expand_defs(hed_string, hed_schema, def_dict): return str(HedString(hed_string, hed_schema, def_dict).expand_defs())
[docs]def process_def_expands(hed_strings, hed_schema, known_defs=None, ambiguous_defs=None): """ Gather def-expand tags in the strings/compare with known definitions to find any differences Parameters: hed_strings (list or pd.Series): A list of HED strings to process. hed_schema (HedSchema): The schema to use known_defs (DefinitionDict or list or str or None): A DefinitionDict or anything its constructor takes. These are the known definitions going in, that must match perfectly. ambiguous_defs (dict): A dictionary containing ambiguous definitions format TBD. Currently def name key: list of lists of HED tags values Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the DefinitionDict, ambiguous definitions, and errors. """ from hed.models.def_expand_gather import DefExpandGatherer def_gatherer = DefExpandGatherer(hed_schema, known_defs, ambiguous_defs) return def_gatherer.process_def_expands(hed_strings)