Source code for hed.models.definition_dict

from hed.models.definition_entry import DefinitionEntry
from hed.models.hed_string import HedString
from hed.errors.error_types import DefinitionErrors
from hed.errors.error_reporter import ErrorHandler
from hed.models.model_constants import DefTagNames
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedKey

[docs]class DefinitionDict: """ Gathers definitions from a single source. """
[docs] def __init__(self, def_dicts=None, hed_schema=None): """ Definitions to be considered a single source. Parameters: def_dicts (str or list or DefinitionDict): DefDict or list of DefDicts/strings or a single string whose definitions should be added. hed_schema(HedSchema or None): Required if passing strings or lists of strings, unused otherwise. :raises TypeError: - Bad type passed as def_dicts """ self.defs = {} self._label_tag_name = DefTagNames.DEF_KEY self._issues = [] if def_dicts: self.add_definitions(def_dicts, hed_schema)
[docs] def add_definitions(self, def_dicts, hed_schema=None): """ Add definitions from dict(s) to this dict. Parameters: def_dicts (list, DefinitionDict, or dict): DefinitionDict or list of DefinitionDicts/strings/dicts whose definitions should be added. Note dict form expects DefinitionEntries in the same form as a DefinitionDict hed_schema(HedSchema or None): Required if passing strings or lists of strings, unused otherwise. :raises TypeError: - Bad type passed as def_dicts """ if not isinstance(def_dicts, list): def_dicts = [def_dicts] for def_dict in def_dicts: if isinstance(def_dict, (DefinitionDict, dict)): self._add_definitions_from_dict(def_dict) elif isinstance(def_dict, str) and hed_schema: self.check_for_definitions(HedString(def_dict, hed_schema)) elif isinstance(def_dict, list) and hed_schema: for definition in def_dict: self.check_for_definitions(HedString(definition, hed_schema)) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type '{type(def_dict)}' passed to DefinitionDict")
def _add_definition(self, def_tag, def_value): if def_tag in self.defs: error_context = self.defs[def_tag].source_context self._issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_from_context(DefinitionErrors.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, error_context=error_context, def_name=def_tag) else: self.defs[def_tag] = def_value def _add_definitions_from_dict(self, def_dict): """ Add the definitions found in the given definition dictionary to this mapper. Parameters: def_dict (DefinitionDict or dict): DefDict whose definitions should be added. """ for def_tag, def_value in def_dict.items(): self._add_definition(def_tag, def_value)
[docs] def get(self, def_name): """ Get the definition entry for the definition name. Not case-sensitive Parameters: def_name (str): Name of the definition to retrieve. Returns: DefinitionEntry: Definition entry for the requested definition. """ return self.defs.get(def_name.lower())
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.defs) def __len__(self): return len(self.defs)
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns the dictionary of definitions Alias for .defs.items() Returns: def_entries({str: DefinitionEntry}): A list of definitions """ return self.defs.items()
@property def issues(self): """Returns issues about duplicate definitions.""" return self._issues
[docs] def check_for_definitions(self, hed_string_obj, error_handler=None): """ Check string for definition tags, adding them to self. Parameters: hed_string_obj (HedString): A single hed string to gather definitions from. error_handler (ErrorHandler or None): Error context used to identify where definitions are found. Returns: list: List of issues encountered in checking for definitions. Each issue is a dictionary. """ def_issues = [] for definition_tag, group in hed_string_obj.find_top_level_tags(anchor_tags={DefTagNames.DEFINITION_KEY}): group_tag, new_def_issues = self._find_group(definition_tag, group, error_handler) def_tag_name, def_takes_value = self._strip_value_placeholder(definition_tag.extension) if "/" in def_tag_name or "#" in def_tag_name: new_def_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.INVALID_DEFINITION_EXTENSION, tag=definition_tag, def_name=def_tag_name) if new_def_issues: def_issues += new_def_issues continue new_def_issues = self._validate_contents(definition_tag, group_tag, error_handler) new_def_issues += self._validate_placeholders(def_tag_name, group_tag, def_takes_value, error_handler) if new_def_issues: def_issues += new_def_issues continue new_def_issues, context = self._validate_name_and_context(def_tag_name, error_handler) if new_def_issues: def_issues += new_def_issues continue self.defs[def_tag_name.lower()] = DefinitionEntry(name=def_tag_name, contents=group_tag, takes_value=def_takes_value, source_context=context) return def_issues
def _strip_value_placeholder(self, def_tag_name): def_takes_value = def_tag_name.lower().endswith("/#") if def_takes_value: def_tag_name = def_tag_name[:-len("/#")] return def_tag_name, def_takes_value def _validate_name_and_context(self, def_tag_name, error_handler): if error_handler: context = error_handler.get_error_context_copy() else: context = [] new_def_issues = [] if def_tag_name.lower() in self.defs: new_def_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION, def_name=def_tag_name) return new_def_issues, context def _validate_placeholders(self, def_tag_name, group, def_takes_value, error_handler): new_issues = [] placeholder_tags = [] tags_with_issues = [] if group: for tag in group.get_all_tags(): count = str(tag).count("#") if count: placeholder_tags.append(tag) if count > 1: tags_with_issues.append(tag) if tags_with_issues: new_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.WRONG_NUMBER_PLACEHOLDER_TAGS, def_name=def_tag_name, tag_list=tags_with_issues, expected_count=1 if def_takes_value else 0) if (len(placeholder_tags) == 1) != def_takes_value: new_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.WRONG_NUMBER_PLACEHOLDER_TAGS, def_name=def_tag_name, tag_list=placeholder_tags, expected_count=1 if def_takes_value else 0) return new_issues if def_takes_value: placeholder_tag = placeholder_tags[0] if not placeholder_tag.is_takes_value_tag(): new_issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.PLACEHOLDER_NO_TAKES_VALUE, def_name=def_tag_name, placeholder_tag=placeholder_tag) return new_issues def _find_group(self, definition_tag, group, error_handler): # initial validation groups = group.groups() issues = [] if len(groups) > 1: issues += \ ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.WRONG_NUMBER_GROUPS, def_name=definition_tag.extension, tag_list=groups) elif len(groups) == 0: issues += \ ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.NO_DEFINITION_CONTENTS, def_name=definition_tag.extension) if len(group.tags()) != 1: issues += \ ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.WRONG_NUMBER_TAGS, def_name=definition_tag.extension, tag_list=[tag for tag in group.tags() if tag is not definition_tag]) group_tag = groups[0] if groups else None return group_tag, issues def _validate_contents(self, definition_tag, group, error_handler): issues = [] if group: def_keys = {DefTagNames.DEF_KEY, DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_KEY, DefTagNames.DEFINITION_KEY} for def_tag in group.find_tags(def_keys, recursive=True, include_groups=0): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.DEF_TAG_IN_DEFINITION, tag=def_tag, def_name=definition_tag.extension) for tag in group.get_all_tags(): if tag.has_attribute(HedKey.Unique) or tag.has_attribute(HedKey.Required): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error_with_context(error_handler, DefinitionErrors.BAD_PROP_IN_DEFINITION, tag=tag, def_name=definition_tag.extension) return issues
[docs] def construct_def_tags(self, hed_string_obj): """ Identify def/def-expand tag contents in the given string. Parameters: hed_string_obj(HedString): The hed string to identify definition contents in """ for tag in hed_string_obj.get_all_tags(): self.construct_def_tag(tag)
[docs] def construct_def_tag(self, hed_tag): """ Identify def/def-expand tag contents in the given HedTag. Parameters: hed_tag(HedTag): The hed tag to identify definition contents in """ # Finish tracking down why parent is set incorrectly on def tags sometimes # It should be ALWAYS set if hed_tag.short_base_tag in {DefTagNames.DEF_ORG_KEY, DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_ORG_KEY}: save_parent = hed_tag._parent def_contents = self._get_definition_contents(hed_tag) hed_tag._parent = save_parent if def_contents is not None: hed_tag._expandable = def_contents hed_tag._expanded = hed_tag.short_base_tag == DefTagNames.DEF_EXPAND_ORG_KEY
def _get_definition_contents(self, def_tag): """ Get the contents for a given def tag. Does not validate at all. Parameters: def_tag (HedTag): Source hed tag that may be a Def or Def-expand tag. Returns: def_contents: HedGroup The contents to replace the previous def-tag with. """ tag_label, _, placeholder = def_tag.extension.partition('/') label_tag_lower = tag_label.lower() def_entry = self.defs.get(label_tag_lower) if def_entry is None: # Could raise an error here? return None def_contents = def_entry.get_definition(def_tag, placeholder_value=placeholder) return def_contents
[docs] @staticmethod def get_as_strings(def_dict): """ Convert the entries to strings of the contents Parameters: def_dict(DefinitionDict or dict): A dict of definitions Returns: dict(str: str): definition name and contents """ if isinstance(def_dict, DefinitionDict): def_dict = def_dict.defs return {key: str(value.contents) for key, value in def_dict.items()}