Source code for hed.models.def_expand_gather

import pandas as pd
from hed.models.definition_dict import DefinitionDict
from hed.models.definition_entry import DefinitionEntry
from hed.models.hed_string import HedString

[docs]class AmbiguousDef:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.actual_defs = [] self.placeholder_defs = []
[docs] def add_def(self, def_tag, def_expand_group): group_tag = def_expand_group.get_first_group() def_extension = def_tag.extension.split('/')[-1] self.actual_defs.append(group_tag) group_tag = group_tag.copy() matching_tags = [tag for tag in group_tag.get_all_tags() if tag.extension == def_extension] for tag in matching_tags: tag.extension = "#" self.placeholder_defs.append(group_tag)
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the given ambiguous definition Returns: bool: True if this is a valid definition with exactly 1 placeholder. raises: ValueError: Raised if this is an invalid(not ambiguous) definition. """ # todo: improve this and get_group placeholder_group = self.get_group() if not placeholder_group: raise ValueError("Invalid Definition") placeholder_mask = [(tag.extension == "#") for tag in placeholder_group.get_all_tags()] all_tags_list = [group.get_all_tags() for group in self.actual_defs] for tags, placeholder in zip(zip(*all_tags_list), placeholder_mask): if placeholder: continue tag_set = set(tag.extension for tag in tags) if len(tag_set) > 1: raise ValueError("Invalid Definition") return placeholder_mask.count(True) == 1
@staticmethod def _get_matching_value(tags): """Get the matching value for a set of HedTag extensions. Parameters: tags (iterator): The list of HedTags to find a matching value for. Returns: str or None: The matching value if found, None otherwise. """ extensions = [tag.extension for tag in tags] unique_extensions = set(extensions) if len(unique_extensions) == 1: return unique_extensions.pop() elif "#" in unique_extensions: unique_extensions.remove("#") if len(unique_extensions) == 1: return unique_extensions.pop() return None
[docs] def get_group(self): new_group = self.placeholder_defs[0].copy() all_tags_list = [group.get_all_tags() for group in self.placeholder_defs] for tags, new_tag in zip(zip(*all_tags_list), new_group.get_all_tags()): matching_val = self._get_matching_value(tags) if matching_val is None: return None new_tag.extension = matching_val return new_group
[docs]class DefExpandGatherer: """Class for gathering definitions from a series of def-expands, including possibly ambiguous ones"""
[docs] def __init__(self, hed_schema, known_defs=None, ambiguous_defs=None, errors=None): """Initialize the DefExpandGatherer class. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema): The HED schema to be used for processing. known_defs (dict, optional): A dictionary of known definitions. ambiguous_defs (dict, optional): A dictionary of ambiguous def-expand definitions. """ self.hed_schema = hed_schema self.ambiguous_defs = ambiguous_defs if ambiguous_defs else {} self.errors = errors if errors else {} self.def_dict = DefinitionDict(known_defs, self.hed_schema)
[docs] def process_def_expands(self, hed_strings, known_defs=None): """Process the HED strings containing def-expand tags. Parameters: hed_strings (pd.Series or list): A Pandas Series or list of HED strings to be processed. known_defs (dict, optional): A dictionary of known definitions to be added. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the DefinitionDict, ambiguous definitions, and errors. """ if not isinstance(hed_strings, pd.Series): hed_strings = pd.Series(hed_strings) def_expand_mask = hed_strings.str.contains('Def-Expand/', case=False) if known_defs: self.def_dict.add_definitions(known_defs, self.hed_schema) for i in hed_strings[def_expand_mask].index: string = hed_strings.loc[i] self._process_def_expand(string) return self.def_dict, self.ambiguous_defs, self.errors
def _process_def_expand(self, string): """Process a single HED string to extract definitions and handle known and ambiguous definitions. Parameters: string (str): The HED string to be processed. """ hed_str = HedString(string, self.hed_schema) for def_tag, def_expand_group, def_group in hed_str.find_def_tags(recursive=True): if def_tag == def_expand_group: continue if not self._handle_known_definition(def_tag, def_expand_group, def_group): self._handle_ambiguous_definition(def_tag, def_expand_group) def _handle_known_definition(self, def_tag, def_expand_group, def_group): """Handle known def-expand tag in a HED string. Parameters: def_tag (HedTag): The def-expand tag. def_expand_group (HedGroup): The group containing the def-expand tag. def_group (HedGroup): The group containing the def-expand group. Returns: bool: True if the def-expand tag is known and handled, False otherwise. """ def_tag_name = def_tag.extension.split('/')[0] def_group_contents = self.def_dict._get_definition_contents(def_tag) def_expand_group.sort() if def_group_contents: if def_group_contents != def_expand_group: self.errors.setdefault(def_tag_name.lower(), []).append(def_expand_group.get_first_group()) return True has_extension = "/" in def_tag.extension if not has_extension: group_tag = def_expand_group.get_first_group() self.def_dict.defs[def_tag_name.lower()] = DefinitionEntry(name=def_tag_name, contents=group_tag, takes_value=False, source_context=[]) return True # this is needed for the cases where we have a definition with errors, but it's not a known definition. if def_tag_name.lower() in self.errors: self.errors.setdefault(f"{def_tag_name.lower()}", []).append(def_expand_group.get_first_group()) return True return False def _handle_ambiguous_definition(self, def_tag, def_expand_group): """Handle ambiguous def-expand tag in a HED string. Parameters: def_tag (HedTag): The def-expand tag. def_expand_group (HedGroup): The group containing the def-expand tag. """ def_tag_name = def_tag.extension.split('/')[0] these_defs = self.ambiguous_defs.setdefault(def_tag_name.lower(), AmbiguousDef()) these_defs.add_def(def_tag, def_expand_group) try: if these_defs.validate(): new_contents = these_defs.get_group() self.def_dict.defs[def_tag_name.lower()] = DefinitionEntry(name=def_tag_name, contents=new_contents, takes_value=True, source_context=[]) del self.ambiguous_defs[def_tag_name.lower()] except ValueError as e: for ambiguous_def in these_defs.placeholder_defs: self.errors.setdefault(def_tag_name.lower(), []).append(ambiguous_def) del self.ambiguous_defs[def_tag_name.lower()] return
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ambiguous_group(ambiguous_def): """Turns an entry in the ambiguous_defs dict into a single HedGroup Returns: HedGroup: the ambiguous definition with known placeholders filled in """ return ambiguous_def.get_group()