Source code for hed.models.column_mapper

from hed.models.column_metadata import ColumnMetadata, ColumnType
from hed.models.sidecar import Sidecar
from hed.errors.error_reporter import ErrorHandler
from hed.errors.error_types import ValidationErrors

import copy
from collections import Counter


[docs]class ColumnMapper: """ Mapping of a base input file columns into HED tags. Notes: - All column numbers are 0 based. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sidecar=None, tag_columns=None, column_prefix_dictionary=None, optional_tag_columns=None, warn_on_missing_column=False): """ Constructor for ColumnMapper. Parameters: sidecar (Sidecar): A sidecar to gather column data from. tag_columns: (list): A list of ints or strings containing the columns that contain the HED tags. Sidecar column definitions will take precedent if there is a conflict with tag_columns. column_prefix_dictionary (dict): Dictionary with keys that are column numbers/names and values are HED tag prefixes to prepend to the tags in that column before processing. optional_tag_columns (list): A list of ints or strings containing the columns that contain the HED tags. If the column is otherwise unspecified, convert this column type to HEDTags. warn_on_missing_column (bool): If True, issue mapping warnings on column names that are missing from the sidecar. Notes: - All column numbers are 0 based. - The column_prefix_dictionary may be deprecated/renamed in the future. - These are no longer prefixes, but rather converted to value columns: {"key": "Description", 1: "Label/"} will turn into value columns as {"key": "Description/#", 1: "Label/#"} It will be a validation issue if column 1 is called "key" in the above example. This means it no longer accepts anything but the value portion only in the columns. """ # Maps column number to column_entry. This is what's actually used by most code. self._final_column_map = {} self._no_mapping_info = True self._column_map = {} self._reverse_column_map = {} self._warn_on_missing_column = warn_on_missing_column if tag_columns is None: tag_columns = [] self._tag_columns = tag_columns if optional_tag_columns is None: optional_tag_columns = [] self._optional_tag_columns = optional_tag_columns if column_prefix_dictionary is None: column_prefix_dictionary = {} self._column_prefix_dictionary = column_prefix_dictionary self._na_patterns = ["n/a", "nan"] self._sidecar = None self._set_sidecar(sidecar) # finalize the column map based on initial settings with no header self._finalize_mapping()
@property def tag_columns(self): """ Returns the known tag and optional tag columns with numbers as names when possible Returns: tag_columns(list of str or int): A list of all tag and optional tag columns as labels """ joined_list = self._tag_columns + self._optional_tag_columns return list(set(self._convert_to_names(self._column_map, joined_list))) @property def column_prefix_dictionary(self): """ Returns the column_prefix_dictionary with numbers turned into names where possible Returns: column_prefix_dictionary(list of str or int): A column_prefix_dictionary with column labels as keys """ return self._convert_to_names_dict(self._column_map, self._column_prefix_dictionary)
[docs] def get_transformers(self): """ Return the transformers to use on a dataframe Returns: tuple(dict, list): dict({str or int: func}): the functions to use to transform each column need_categorical(list of int): a list of columns to treat as categoriacl """ final_transformers = {} need_categorical = [] for column in self._final_column_map.values(): assign_to_column = column.column_name if isinstance(assign_to_column, int): if self._column_map: assign_to_column = self._column_map[assign_to_column] else: assign_to_column = assign_to_column if column.column_type == ColumnType.Ignore: continue elif column.column_type == ColumnType.Value: value_str = column.hed_dict from functools import partial final_transformers[assign_to_column] = partial(self._value_handler, value_str) elif column.column_type == ColumnType.Categorical: need_categorical.append(column.column_name) category_values = column.hed_dict from functools import partial final_transformers[assign_to_column] = partial(self._category_handler, category_values) else: final_transformers[assign_to_column] = lambda x: x return final_transformers, need_categorical
[docs] @staticmethod def check_for_blank_names(column_map, allow_blank_names): """ Validate there are no blank column names Parameters: column_map(iterable): A list of column names allow_blank_names(bool): Only find issues if this is true Returns: issues(list): A list of dicts, one per issue. """ # We don't have any checks right now if blank/duplicate is allowed if allow_blank_names: return [] issues = [] for column_number, name in enumerate(column_map): if name is None or not name or name.startswith(PANDAS_COLUMN_PREFIX_TO_IGNORE): issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_BLANK_COLUMN, column_number) continue return issues
def _set_sidecar(self, sidecar): """ Set the sidecar this column mapper uses Parameters: sidecar (Sidecar or None): the sidecar to use :raises ValueError: - A sidecar was previously set """ if self._sidecar: raise ValueError("Trying to set a second sidecar on a column mapper.") if not sidecar: return None self._sidecar = sidecar @property def sidecar_column_data(self): """ Pass through to get the sidecar ColumnMetadata Returns: dict({str:ColumnMetadata}): the column metadata defined by this sidecar """ if self._sidecar: return self._sidecar.column_data return {}
[docs] def get_tag_columns(self): """ Returns the column numbers or names that are mapped to be HedTags Note: This is NOT the tag_columns or optional_tag_columns parameter, though they set it. Returns: column_identifiers(list): A list of column numbers or names that are ColumnType.HedTags. 0-based if integer-based, otherwise column name. """ return [column_entry.column_name for number, column_entry in self._final_column_map.items() if column_entry.column_type == ColumnType.HEDTags]
[docs] def set_tag_columns(self, tag_columns=None, optional_tag_columns=None, finalize_mapping=True): """ Set tag columns and optional tag columns Parameters: tag_columns (list): A list of ints or strings containing the columns that contain the HED tags. If None, clears existing tag_columns optional_tag_columns (list): A list of ints or strings containing the columns that contain the HED tags, but not an error if missing. If None, clears existing tag_columns finalize_mapping (bool): Re-generate the internal mapping if True, otherwise no effect until finalize. """ if tag_columns is None: tag_columns = [] if optional_tag_columns is None: optional_tag_columns = [] self._tag_columns = tag_columns self._optional_tag_columns = optional_tag_columns if finalize_mapping: self._finalize_mapping()
[docs] def set_column_map(self, new_column_map=None): """ Set the column number to name mapping. Parameters: new_column_map (list or dict): Either an ordered list of the column names or column_number:column name dictionary. In both cases, column numbers start at 0 Returns: list: List of issues. Each issue is a dictionary. """ if new_column_map is None: new_column_map = {} if isinstance(new_column_map, dict): column_map = new_column_map # List like else: column_map = {column_number: column_name for column_number, column_name in enumerate(new_column_map)} self._column_map = column_map self._reverse_column_map = {column_name: column_number for column_number, column_name in column_map.items()} self._finalize_mapping()
[docs] def set_column_prefix_dictionary(self, column_prefix_dictionary, finalize_mapping=True): """Sets the column prefix dictionary""" self._column_prefix_dictionary = column_prefix_dictionary if finalize_mapping: self._finalize_mapping()
@staticmethod def _get_sidecar_basic_map(column_map, column_data): basic_final_map = {} unhandled_cols = [] if column_map: for column_number, column_name in column_map.items(): if column_name is None: continue if column_name in column_data: column_entry = copy.deepcopy(column_data[column_name]) column_entry.column_name = column_name basic_final_map[column_name] = column_entry continue elif isinstance(column_name, str) and column_name.startswith(PANDAS_COLUMN_PREFIX_TO_IGNORE): continue unhandled_cols.append(column_name) return basic_final_map, unhandled_cols @staticmethod def _convert_to_names(column_to_name_map, column_list): converted_names = [] for index in column_list: if isinstance(index, int): if not column_to_name_map: converted_names.append(index) elif index in column_to_name_map: converted_names.append(column_to_name_map[index]) else: if index in column_to_name_map.values(): converted_names.append(index) return converted_names @staticmethod def _convert_to_names_dict(column_to_name_map, column_dict): converted_dict = {} for index, column_data in column_dict.items(): if isinstance(index, int): if not column_to_name_map: converted_dict[index] = column_data elif index in column_to_name_map: converted_dict[column_to_name_map[index]] = column_data else: if index in column_to_name_map.values(): converted_dict[index] = column_data return converted_dict @staticmethod def _add_value_columns(final_map, column_prefix_dictionary): for col, prefix in column_prefix_dictionary.items(): if prefix.endswith("/"): prefix = prefix + "#" else: prefix = prefix + "/#" new_def = ColumnMetadata(ColumnType.Value, col, source=prefix) final_map[col] = new_def @staticmethod def _add_tag_columns(final_map, tag_columns): for col in tag_columns: new_def = ColumnMetadata(ColumnType.HEDTags, col) final_map[col] = new_def def _get_column_lists(self): column_lists = self._tag_columns, self._optional_tag_columns, self._column_prefix_dictionary list_names = ["tag_columns", "optional_tag_columns", "column_prefix_dictionary"] if not any(column for column in column_lists): return column_lists, list_names # Filter out empty lists from the above column_lists, list_names = zip(*[(col_list, list_name) for col_list, list_name in zip(column_lists, list_names) if col_list]) return column_lists, list_names def _check_for_duplicates_and_required(self, list_names, column_lists): issues = [] for list_name, col_list in zip(list_names, column_lists): # Convert all known strings to ints, then check for duplicates converted_list = [item if isinstance(item, int) else self._reverse_column_map.get(item, item) for item in col_list] if col_list != self._optional_tag_columns: for test_col in converted_list: if isinstance(test_col, str) and test_col not in self._reverse_column_map: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_MISSING_REQUIRED_COLUMN, test_col, list_name) issues += self._check_for_duplicates_between_lists(converted_list, list_name, ValidationErrors.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_IN_LIST) return issues def _check_for_duplicates_between_lists(self, checking_list, list_names, error_type): issues = [] duplicates = [item for item, count in Counter(checking_list).items() if count > 1] for duplicate in duplicates: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(error_type, duplicate, self._column_map.get(duplicate), list_names) return issues
[docs] def check_for_mapping_issues(self, allow_blank_names=False): """ Find all issues given the current column_map, tag_columns, etc. Parameters: allow_blank_names(bool): Only flag blank names if False Returns: issue_list(list of dict): Returns all issues found as a list of dicts """ # 1. Get the lists with entries column_lists, list_names = self._get_column_lists() # 2. Verify column_prefix columns and tag columns are present, and check for duplicates issues = self._check_for_duplicates_and_required(list_names, column_lists) combined_list = self.tag_columns + list(self.column_prefix_dictionary) # 3. Verify prefix and tag columns do not conflict. issues += self._check_for_duplicates_between_lists(combined_list, list_names, ValidationErrors.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_BETWEEN_SOURCES) # 4. Verify we didn't get both a sidecar and a tag column list if self._sidecar and combined_list and combined_list != ["HED"]: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.SIDECAR_AND_OTHER_COLUMNS, column_names=combined_list) # 5. Verify we handled all columns if self._warn_on_missing_column: fully_combined_list = list(self.sidecar_column_data) + combined_list for column in self._column_map.values(): if column not in fully_combined_list: issues += ErrorHandler.format_error(ValidationErrors.HED_UNKNOWN_COLUMN, column) issues += self.check_for_blank_names(self._column_map.values(), allow_blank_names=allow_blank_names) return issues
def _finalize_mapping(self): final_map, unhandled_cols = self._get_sidecar_basic_map(self._column_map, self.sidecar_column_data) self._add_tag_columns(final_map, self.tag_columns) self._remove_from_list(unhandled_cols, self.tag_columns) self._add_value_columns(final_map, self.column_prefix_dictionary) self._remove_from_list(unhandled_cols, self.column_prefix_dictionary) self._final_column_map = dict(sorted(final_map.items())) @staticmethod def _remove_from_list(list_to_alter, to_remove): return [item for item in list_to_alter if item not in to_remove]
[docs] def get_def_dict(self, hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=None): """ Return def dicts from every column description. Parameters: hed_schema (Schema): A HED schema object to use for extracting definitions. extra_def_dicts (list, DefinitionDict, or None): Extra dicts to add to the list. Returns: DefinitionDict: A single definition dict representing all the data(and extra def dicts) """ if self._sidecar: return self._sidecar.get_def_dict(hed_schema=hed_schema, extra_def_dicts=extra_def_dicts) return []
[docs] def get_column_mapping_issues(self): """ Get all the issues with finalizing column mapping(duplicate columns, missing required, etc) Notes: - This is deprecated and now a wrapper for "check_for_mapping_issues()" Returns: list: A list dictionaries of all issues found from mapping column names to numbers. """ return self.check_for_mapping_issues()
@staticmethod def _category_handler(category_values, x): return category_values.get(x, "") @staticmethod def _value_handler(value_str, x): if x == "n/a": return "n/a" return value_str.replace("#", str(x))