Source code for

""" Utilities"""

import pandas as pd
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedSectionKey, HedKey

[docs]def flatten_schema(hed_schema, skip_non_tag=False): """ Returns a 3-column dataframe representing a schema. Parameters: hed_schema (HedSchema): the schema to flatten skip_non_tag (bool): Skips all sections except tag Returns: DataFrame: Represents a HED schema in flattened form. """ children, parents, descriptions = [], [], [] for section in hed_schema._sections.values(): if skip_non_tag and section.section_key != HedSectionKey.Tags: continue for entry in section.all_entries: if entry.has_attribute(HedKey.TakesValue): continue name = "" parent = "" desc = entry.description if hasattr(entry, "_parent_tag"): name = entry.short_tag_name if entry._parent_tag: parent = entry._parent_tag.short_tag_name else: parent = "" else: name = parent = "" parents.append(parent) children.append(name) descriptions.append(desc) df = pd.DataFrame({"Child": children, "Parent": parents, "Description": descriptions}) return df