Source code for

"""Utilities for generating and handling file names. """

import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError

TIME_FORMAT = '%Y_%m_%d_T_%H_%M_%S_%f'

[docs]def check_filename(test_file, name_prefix=None, name_suffix=None, extensions=None): """ Return True if correct extension, suffix, and prefix. Parameters: test_file (str): Path of filename to test. name_prefix (list, str, None): An optional name_prefix or list of prefixes to accept for the base filename. name_suffix (list, str, None): An optional name_suffix or list of suffixes to accept for the base file name. extensions (list, str, None): An optional extension or list of extensions to accept for the extensions. Returns: bool: True if file has the appropriate format. Notes: - Everything is converted to lower case prior to testing so this test should be case-insensitive. - None indicates that all are accepted. """ basename = os.path.basename(test_file.lower()) if name_prefix and not get_allowed(basename, allowed_values=name_prefix, starts_with=True): return False if extensions: ext = get_allowed(basename, allowed_values=extensions, starts_with=False) if not ext: return False basename = basename[:-len(ext)] else: basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] if name_suffix and not get_allowed(basename, allowed_values=name_suffix, starts_with=False): return False return True
[docs]def get_allowed(value, allowed_values=None, starts_with=True): """ Return the portion of the value that matches a value in allowed_values or None if no match. Parameters: value (str): value to be matched. allowed_values (list, str, or None): Values to match. starts_with (bool): If True match is done at beginning of string, otherwise the end. Returns: str or list: portion of value that matches the various allowed_values. Notes: - match is done in lower case. """ if not allowed_values: return value elif not isinstance(allowed_values, list): allowed_values = [allowed_values] allowed_values = [item.lower() for item in allowed_values] lower_value = value.lower() if starts_with: result = list(filter(lower_value.startswith, allowed_values)) else: result = list(filter(lower_value.endswith, allowed_values)) if result: result = result[0] return result
[docs]def get_alphanumeric_path(pathname, replace_char='_'): """ Replace sequences of non-alphanumeric characters in string (usually a path) with specified character. Parameters: pathname (str): A string usually representing a pathname, but could be any string. replace_char (str): Replacement character(s). Returns: str: New string with characters replaced. """ return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', replace_char, pathname)
[docs]def extract_suffix_path(path, prefix_path): """ Return the suffix of path after prefix path has been removed. Parameters: path (str) path of the root directory. prefix_path (str) sub-path relative to the root directory. Returns: str: Suffix path. Notes: - This function is useful for creating files within BIDS datasets. """ real_prefix = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(prefix_path).lower()) suffix_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(path).lower()) return_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(path)) if suffix_path.startswith(real_prefix): return_path = return_path[len(real_prefix):] return return_path
[docs]def clean_filename(filename): """ Replace invalid characters with under-bars. Parameters: filename (str): source filename. Returns: str: The filename with anything but alphanumeric, period, hyphens, and under-bars removed. """ if not filename: return "" out_name = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]+', '_', filename) return out_name
[docs]def get_dir_dictionary(dir_path, name_prefix=None, name_suffix=None, extensions=None, skip_empty=True, exclude_dirs=None): """ Create dictionary directory paths keys. Parameters: dir_path (str): Full path of the directory tree to be traversed (no ending slash). name_prefix (str, None): An optional name_prefix for the base filename. name_suffix (str, None): An optional name_suffix for the base file name. extensions (list, None): An optional list of file extensions. skip_empty (bool): Do not put entry for directories that have no files. exclude_dirs (list): List of directories to skip. Returns: dict: Dictionary with directories as keys and file lists values. """ if not exclude_dirs: exclude_dirs = [] dir_dict = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude_dirs] file_list = [] for r_file in files: if check_filename(r_file, name_prefix, name_suffix, extensions): file_list.append(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(root), r_file)) if skip_empty and not file_list: continue dir_dict[os.path.realpath(root)] = file_list return dir_dict
[docs]def get_filtered_by_element(file_list, elements): """ Filter a file list by whether the base names have a substring matching any of the members of elements. Parameters: file_list (list): List of file paths to be filtered. elements (list): List of strings to use as filename filters. Returns: list: The list only containing file paths whose filenames match a filter. """ new_list = [file for file in file_list if any(substring in os.path.basename(file) for substring in elements)] return new_list
[docs]def get_filtered_list(file_list, name_prefix=None, name_suffix=None, extensions=None): """ Get list of filenames satisfying the criteria. Everything is converted to lower case prior to testing so this test should be case-insensitive. Parameters: file_list (list): List of files to test. name_prefix (str): Optional name_prefix for the base filename. name_suffix (str): Optional name_suffix for the base filename. extensions (list): Optional list of file extensions (allows two periods (.tsv.gz)). Returns: list: The filtered file names. """ filtered_files = [file for file in file_list if check_filename(file, name_prefix=name_prefix, name_suffix=name_suffix, extensions=extensions)] return filtered_files
[docs]def get_file_list(root_path, name_prefix=None, name_suffix=None, extensions=None, exclude_dirs=None): """ Return paths satisfying various conditions. Parameters: root_path (str): Full path of the directory tree to be traversed (no ending slash). name_prefix (str, None): An optional name_prefix for the base filename. name_suffix (str, None): The name_suffix of the paths to be extracted. extensions (list, None): A list of extensions to be selected. exclude_dirs (list, None): A list of paths to be excluded. Returns: list: The full paths. Notes: Exclude directories are paths relative to the root path. """ file_list = [] if not exclude_dirs: exclude_dirs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path, topdown=True): dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if d not in exclude_dirs] for r_file in files: if check_filename(r_file, name_prefix, name_suffix, extensions): file_list.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, r_file))) return file_list
[docs]def get_path_components(root_path, this_path): """ Get a list of the remaining components after root path. Parameters: root_path (str): A path (no trailing separator). this_path (str): The path of a file or directory descendant of root_path. Returns: list or None: A list with the remaining elements directory components to the file. Notes: this_path must be a descendant of root_path. """ base_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(root_path)) cur_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(this_path)) common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([base_path, cur_path]) if not common_prefix: raise ValueError("NoPathInCommon", f"Paths {base_path} and {cur_path} must have items in common") common_path = os.path.commonpath([base_path, cur_path]) if common_path != base_path: return None rel_path = os.path.relpath(cur_path, base_path) the_dir = os.path.dirname(rel_path) if the_dir: return os.path.normpath(the_dir).split(os.sep) else: return []
[docs]def get_timestamp(): """ Return a timestamp string suitable for using in filenames. Returns: str: Represents the current time. """ now = return now.strftime(TIME_FORMAT)[:-3]
[docs]def make_path(root_path, sub_path, filename): """ Get path for a file, verifying all components exist. Parameters: root_path (str): path of the root directory. sub_path (str): sub-path relative to the root directory. filename (str): filename of the file. Returns: str: A valid realpath for the specified file. Notes: This function is useful for creating files within BIDS datasets. """ dir_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root_path, sub_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True) return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir_path, filename))
[docs]def parse_bids_filename(file_path): """ Split a filename into BIDS-relevant components. Parameters: file_path (str): Path to be parsed. Returns: str: BIDS suffix name. str: File extension (including the .). dict: Dictionary with key-value pair being (entity type, entity value). :raises HedFileError: - If filename does not conform to name-value_suffix format. Notes: - splits into BIDS suffix, extension, and a dictionary of entity name-value pairs. """ filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path)) ext = filename[1].lower() basename = filename[0].strip() entity_dict = {} if len(basename) == 0: raise HedFileError("BlankFileName", f"The basename for {file_path} is blank", "") entity_pieces = basename.split('_') split_dict = _split_entity(entity_pieces[-1]) if "bad" in split_dict: raise HedFileError("BadSuffixPiece", f"The basename for {entity_pieces[-1]} has bad {split_dict['bad']}", "") if "suffix" in split_dict: suffix = split_dict["suffix"] else: suffix = None entity_dict[split_dict["key"]] = split_dict["value"] for pos, entity in reversed(list(enumerate(entity_pieces[:-1]))): split_dict = _split_entity(entity) if "key" not in split_dict: raise HedFileError("BadKeyValue", f"The piece {entity} is not in key-value form", "") entity_dict[split_dict["key"]] = split_dict["value"] return suffix, ext, entity_dict
def _split_entity(piece): """ Split a piece into an entity or suffix. Parameters: piece (str): A string to be parsed. Returns: dict: Entities as keys as well as the key "bad" and the key "suffix". """ piece = piece.strip() if not piece: return {"bad": ""} split_piece = piece.split('-') if len(split_piece) == 1: return {"suffix": piece} if len(split_piece) == 2: return {"key": split_piece[0].strip(), "value": split_piece[1].strip()} else: return {"bad": piece}
[docs]def get_task_from_file(file_path): """ Returns the task name entity from a BIDS-type file path. Parameters: file_path (str): File path. Returns: str: The task name or an empty string. """ filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path)) basename = filename[0].strip() position = basename.lower().find("task-") if position == -1: return "" splits = re.split(r'[_.]', basename[position+5:]) return splits[0]
[docs]def get_task_dict(files): """ Return a dictionary of the tasks that appear in the file names of a list of files. Parameters: files (list): List of filenames to be separated by task. Returns: dict: dictionary of filenames keyed by task name. """ task_dict = {} for my_file in files: task = get_task_from_file(my_file) if not task: continue task_entry = task_dict.get(task, []) task_entry.append(my_file) task_dict[task] = task_entry return task_dict