Source code for

""" Merge consecutive rows of a columnar file with same column value. """

import pandas as pd
from import BaseOp

[docs]class MergeConsecutiveOp(BaseOp): """ Merge consecutive rows of a columnar file with same column value. Required remodeling parameters: - **column_name** (*str*): name of column whose consecutive values are to be compared (the merge column). - **event_code** (*str* or *int* or *float*): the particular value in the match column to be merged. - **set_durations** (*bool*): If true, set the duration of the merged event to the extent of the merged events. - **ignore_missing** (*bool*): If true, missing match_columns are ignored. Optional remodeling parameters: - **match_columns** (*list*): A list of columns whose values have to be matched for two events to be the same. Notes: This operation is meant for time-based tabular files that have an onset column. """ NAME = "merge_consecutive" PARAMS = { "type": "object", "properties": { "column_name": { "type": "string", "description": "The name of the column to check for repeated consecutive codes." }, "event_code": { "type": [ "string", "number" ], "description": "The event code to match for duplicates." }, "match_columns": { "type": "array", "description": "List of columns whose values must also match to be considered a repeat.", "items": { "type": "string" } }, "set_durations": { "type": "boolean", "description": "If true, then the duration should be computed based on start of first to end of last." }, "ignore_missing": { "type": "boolean", "description": "If true, missing match columns are ignored." } }, "required": [ "column_name", "event_code", "set_durations", "ignore_missing" ], "additionalProperties": False }
[docs] def __init__(self, parameters): """ Constructor for the merge consecutive operation. Parameters: parameters (dict): Actual values of the parameters for the operation. """ super().__init__(parameters) self.column_name = parameters["column_name"] self.event_code = parameters["event_code"] self.set_durations = parameters["set_durations"] self.ignore_missing = parameters["ignore_missing"] self.match_columns = parameters.get("match_columns", None)
[docs] def do_op(self, dispatcher, df, name, sidecar=None): """ Merge consecutive rows with the same column value. Parameters: dispatcher (Dispatcher): Manages the operation I/O. df (DataFrame): The DataFrame to be remodeled. name (str): Unique identifier for the dataframe -- often the original file path. sidecar (Sidecar or file-like): Not needed for this operation. Returns: Dataframe: A new dataframe after processing. :raises ValueError: - If dataframe does not have the anchor column and ignore_missing is False. - If a match column is missing and ignore_missing is False. - If the durations were to be set and the dataframe did not have an onset column. - If the durations were to be set and the dataframe did not have a duration column. """ if not self.ignore_missing and self.column_name not in df.columns: raise ValueError("ColumnMissing", f"{name}: {self.column_name} is not in data columns [{str(df.columns)}] " f"and missing columns are not ignored") if self.set_durations and "onset" not in df.columns: raise ValueError("MissingOnsetColumn", f"{name}: Data must have an onset column in order to set durations") if self.set_durations and "duration" not in df.columns: raise ValueError("MissingDurationColumn", f"{name}: Data must have a duration column in order to set durations") missing = set(self.match_columns).difference(set(df.columns)) if self.match_columns and not self.ignore_missing and missing: raise ValueError("MissingMatchColumns", f"{name}: {str(missing)} columns are unmatched by data columns" f"[{str(df.columns)}] and not ignored") match_columns = list( set(self.match_columns).intersection(set(df.columns))) df_new = df.copy() code_mask = df_new[self.column_name] == self.event_code if sum(code_mask.astype(int)) == 0: return df_new match_columns.append(self.column_name) match_df = df_new.loc[:, match_columns] remove_groups = self._get_remove_groups(match_df, code_mask) if self.set_durations and max(remove_groups) > 0: self._update_durations(df_new, remove_groups) keep_mask = [remove_group == 0 for remove_group in remove_groups] df_new = df_new.loc[keep_mask, :].reset_index(drop=True) return df_new
@staticmethod def _get_remove_groups(match_df, code_mask): """ Return a list of same length as match_df with group numbers of consecutive items. Parameters: match_df (DataFrame): DataFrame containing columns to be matched. code_mask (DataSeries): Same length as match_df with the names. Returns: list: Group numbers set (starting at 1). # TODO: Handle round off in rows for comparison. """ in_group = False remove_groups = [0] * len(match_df) group_count = 0 for index, row in match_df.iterrows(): if not code_mask.iloc[index]: in_group = False continue elif not in_group: in_group = True group_count += 1 continue if in_group and row.equals(match_df.loc[index - 1, :]): remove_groups[index] = group_count else: group_count += 1 return remove_groups @staticmethod def _update_durations(df_new, remove_groups): """ Update the durations for the columns based on merged columns. Parameters: df_new (DataFrame): Tabular data to merge. remove_groups (list): List of names of columns to remove. """ remove_df = pd.DataFrame(remove_groups, columns=["remove"]) max_groups = max(remove_groups) for index in range(max_groups): df_group = df_new.loc[remove_df["remove"] == index + 1, ["onset", "duration"]] max_group = df_group.sum(axis=1, skipna=True).max() anchor = df_group.index[0] - 1 max_anchor = df_new.loc[anchor, [ "onset", "duration"]].sum(skipna=True).max() df_new.loc[anchor, "duration"] = max( max_group, max_anchor) - df_new.loc[anchor, "onset"]
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_input_data(parameters): """ Verify that the column name is not in match columns. Parameters: parameters (dict): Dictionary of parameters of actual implementation. """ match_columns = parameters.get("match_columns", None) name = parameters.get("column_name", None) if match_columns and name in match_columns: return [f"column_name `{name}` cannot not be a match_column."] return []