Source code for

""" Command-line program for creating a remodeler backup. """

import argparse
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError
from import io_util
from import BackupManager

[docs]def get_parser(): """ Create a parser for the run_remodel_backup command-line arguments. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: A parser for parsing the command line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Creates a backup for the remodeling process.") parser.add_argument("data_dir", help="Full path of dataset root directory.") parser.add_argument("-bd", "--backup_dir", default="", dest="backup_dir", help="Directory for the backup that is being created") parser.add_argument("-bn", "--backup_name", default=BackupManager.DEFAULT_BACKUP_NAME, dest="backup_name", help="Name of the default backup for remodeling") parser.add_argument("-e", "--extensions", nargs="*", default=['.tsv'], dest="extensions", help="File extensions to allow in locating files. A * indicates all files allowed.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file-suffix", dest="file_suffix", nargs="*", default=['events'], help="Filename suffix of files to be backed up. A * indicates all files allowed.") parser.add_argument("-t", "--task-names", dest="task_names", nargs="*", default=[], help="The name of the task.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', help="If present, output informative messages as computation progresses.") parser.add_argument("-x", "--exclude-dirs", nargs="*", default=['derivatives'], dest="exclude_dirs", help="Directories names to exclude from search for files. " + "If omitted, no directories except the backup directory will be excluded." + "Note [data_root]/derivatives/remodel will always be excluded.") return parser
[docs]def main(arg_list=None): """ The command-line program for making a remodel backup. Parameters: arg_list (list or None): Called with value None when called from the command line. Otherwise, called with the command-line parameters as an argument list. :raises HedFileError: - If the specified backup already exists. """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(arg_list) if '*' in args.file_suffix: args.file_suffix = None if '*' in args.extensions: args.extensions = None exclude_dirs = args.exclude_dirs + ['remodeling'] file_list = io_util.get_file_list(args.data_dir, name_suffix=args.file_suffix, extensions=args.extensions, exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs) if args.task_names: file_list = io_util.get_filtered_by_element(file_list, args.task_names) if args.backup_dir: backups_root = args.backup_dir else: backups_root = None backup_man = BackupManager(args.data_dir, backups_root=backups_root) if backup_man.get_backup(args.backup_name): raise HedFileError("BackupExists", f"Backup {args.backup_name} already exists", "") else: backup_man.create_backup(file_list, backup_name=args.backup_name, verbose=args.verbose)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()