Source code for

""" A dictionary of tabular files keyed to BIDS entities. """

from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError
from import get_new_dataframe
from import BidsFileDictionary
from import BidsFile
from import BidsTabularFile

[docs]class BidsTabularDictionary(BidsFileDictionary): """ A dictionary of tabular files keyed to BIDS entities. Attributes: column_dict (dict): Dictionary with an entity key and a list of column names for the file as the value. rowcount_dict (dict): Dictionary with an entity key and a count of number of rows for the file as the value. """
[docs] def __init__(self, collection_name, files, entities=('sub', 'ses', 'task', 'run')): """ Create a dictionary of full paths. Parameters: collection_name (str): Name of the collection. files (list, dict): Contains the full paths or BidsFile representation of files of interest. entities (tuple): List of indices into base file names of pieces to assemble for the key. Notes: - Used for cross listing BIDS style files for different studies. """ super().__init__(collection_name, files, entities=entities) self.column_dict = {} self.rowcount_dict = {} self._info_set = False
[docs] def count_diffs(self, other_dict): """ Return keys in which the number of rows differ. Parameters: other_dict (FileDictionary): A file dictionary object. Returns: list: A list containing 3-element tuples. Notes: - The returned tuples consist of - str: The key representing the file. - int: Number of rows in the file in this dictionary. - int: Number of rows in the file in the other dictionary. """ self.set_tsv_info() other_dict.set_tsv_info() diff_list = [] for key in self.file_dict.keys(): if key not in other_dict.rowcount_dict: diff_list.append((key, self.rowcount_dict[key], 0)) elif self.rowcount_dict[key] != other_dict.rowcount_dict[key]: diff_list.append((key, self.rowcount_dict[key], other_dict.rowcount_dict[key])) return diff_list
[docs] def get_info(self, key): """ Return a dict with key, row count, and column count. Parameters: key (str): The key for file whose information is to be returned. Returns: dict: A dictionary with key, row_count, and columns entries. """ if not self._info_set: self.set_tsv_info() return {"key": key, "row_count": self.rowcount_dict.get(key, None), "columns": self.column_dict.get(key, None)}
[docs] def get_new_dict(self, name, files): """ Create a new BidsTabularDictionary. Parameters: name (str): Name of the new object. files (list, dict): List or dictionary specifying the files to include. Returns: BidsTabularDictionary: The object contains just the specified files. Notes: - The created object uses the entities from this object """ return BidsTabularDictionary(name, files, entities=self.entities)
[docs] def iter_files(self): """ Iterator over the files in this dictionary. Yields: tuple: - str: The next key. - BidsTabularFile: The next object. - int: Number of rows. - list: List of column names. """ self.set_tsv_info() for key, file in self._file_dict.items(): yield key, file, self.rowcount_dict[key], self.column_dict[key]
[docs] def make_new(self, name, files): """ Create a dictionary with these files. Parameters: name (str): Name of this dictionary files (list or dict): List or dictionary of files. These could be paths or objects. Returns: BidsTabularDictionary: The newly created dictionary. """ return BidsTabularDictionary(name, files, entities=self.entities)
[docs] def set_tsv_info(self): if self._info_set: return for key, file in self._file_dict.items(): df = get_new_dataframe(file.file_path) self.rowcount_dict[key] = len(df.index) self.column_dict[key] = list(df.columns.values) self._info_set = True
[docs] def report_diffs(self, tsv_dict, logger=None): """ Reports and logs the contents and differences between this tabular dictionary and another. Parameters: tsv_dict (BidsTabularDictionary): A dictionary representing BIDS-keyed tsv files. logger (HedLogger): A HedLogger object for reporting the values by key. Returns: str: A string with the differences. """ report_list = [f"{} has {len(self.file_list)} event files"] logger.add("overall", f"{report_list[-1]}") report_list.append(f"{} has {len(tsv_dict.file_list)} event files") logger.add("overall", f"{report_list[-1]}") report_list.append(self.output_files(title=f"\n{} event files", logger=logger)) report_list.append(tsv_dict.output_files(title=f"\n{} event files", logger=logger)) # Compare keys from the two dictionaries to make sure they have the same keys key_diff = self.key_diffs(tsv_dict) if key_diff: report_list.append(f"File key differences {str(key_diff)}") logger.add("overall", f"{report_list[-1]}", level="ERROR") # Output the column names for each type of event file report_list.append(f"\n{} event file columns:") for key, file, rowcount, columns in self.iter_files(): report_list.append(f"{}: [{rowcount} events] {str(columns)}") logger.add(key, f"{report_list[-1]}") for key, file, rowcount, columns in tsv_dict.iter_files(): report_list.append(f"{}: [{rowcount} events] {str(columns)}") logger.add(key, f"{report_list[-1]}") # Output keys for files in which the BIDS and have different numbers of events count_diffs = self.count_diffs(tsv_dict) if count_diffs: report_list.append(f"\n{} events and {} events differ for the following files:") for item in count_diffs: report_list.append(f"The {} file has {item[1]} rows and " + f"the {} event file has {item[2]} rows") logger.add(item[0], f"{report_list[-1]}", level="ERROR") else: report_list.append(f"\nThe {} and {} files have the same number of rows") logger.add("overall", f"{report_list[-1]}") return "\n".join(report_list)
@classmethod def _correct_file(cls, the_file): """ Transform to BidsTabularFile if needed. Parameters: the_file (str or BidsFile): If a str, create a new BidsTabularFile object, otherwise pass the original on. Returns: BidsTabularFile: Either the original file or a newly created BidsTabularFile. :raises HedFileError: - If the_file isn't str or BidsTabularFile. """ if isinstance(the_file, str): the_file = BidsTabularFile(the_file) elif not isinstance(the_file, BidsFile): raise HedFileError("BadArgument", f"_correct_file needs file path or BidsFile type but found {str(the_file)}", []) elif not isinstance(the_file, BidsTabularFile): the_file = BidsTabularFile(the_file.file_path) return the_file