Source code for

""" A dictionary of BIDS files keyed to entity-value pairs. """

from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError
from import BidsFile
from import FileDictionary

[docs]class BidsFileDictionary(FileDictionary): """ A dictionary of BidsFile keyed by entity pairs. The keys are simplified entity key-value pairs and the values are BidsFile objects. """
[docs] def __init__(self, collection_name, files, entities=('sub', 'ses', 'task', 'run')): """ Create the dictionary keyed to entities. Parameters: collection_name (str): Name of this collection. files (list or dict): Full paths of files to include. entities (tuple): Entity names to use in creating the keys. :raises HedFileError: - If files has inappropriate values. Notes: - This function is used for cross listing BIDS style files for different studies. Examples: If entities is ('sub', 'ses', 'task', 'run'), a typical key might be sub-001_ses-01_task-memory_run-01. """ super().__init__(collection_name, None, None, separator='_') self.entities = entities self._file_dict = self.make_dict(files, entities)
@property def key_list(self): """ The dictionary keys. """ return list(self._file_dict.keys()) @property def file_dict(self): """ Dictionary of keys and paths. """ return {key: file.file_path for key, file in self._file_dict.items()} @property def file_list(self): """ Paths of the files in the list. """ return [file.file_path for file in self._file_dict.values()]
[docs] def get_file_path(self, key): """ Return the file path corresponding to key. Parameters: key (str): The key to use to look up the file in this dictionary. Returns: str: The real path of the file being looked up. Notes: - None is returned if the key is not present. """ if key in self._file_dict.keys(): return self._file_dict[key].file_path return None
[docs] def iter_files(self): """ Iterator over the files in this dictionary. Yields: tuple: - str: The next entity-based key. - BidsFile: The next BidsFile. """ for key, file in self._file_dict.items(): yield key, file
[docs] def key_diffs(self, other_dict): """ Return the symmetric key difference with another file dictionary. Parameters: other_dict (FileDictionary) A file dictionary object. Returns: list: The symmetric difference of the keys in this dictionary and the other one. """ diffs = set(self._file_dict.keys()).symmetric_difference(set(other_dict._file_dict.keys())) return list(diffs)
[docs] def get_new_dict(self, name, files): """ Create a dictionary with these files. Parameters: name (str): Name of this dictionary. files (list or dict): List or dictionary of files. These could be paths or objects. Returns: BidsFileDictionary: The newly created dictionary. Notes: - The new dictionary uses the same type of entities for keys as this dictionary. """ return BidsFileDictionary(name, files, entities=self.entities)
[docs] def make_dict(self, files, entities): """ Make a dictionary from files or a dict. Parameters: files (list or dict): List or dictionary of file-like objs to use. entities (tuple): Tuple of entity names to use as keys, e.g. ('sub', 'run'). Returns: dict: A dictionary whose keys are entity keys and values are BidsFile objects. :raises HedFileError: - If incorrect format is passed or something not recognizable as a Bids file. """ file_dict = {} if isinstance(files, dict): files = files.values() elif not isinstance(files, list): raise HedFileError("BadArgument", "make_bids_file_dict expects a list or dict", []) for the_file in files: the_file = self._correct_file(the_file) key = the_file.get_key(entities) if key in file_dict: raise HedFileError("NonUniqueFileKeys", f"dictionary key {key} is associated with {the_file} and {file_dict[key]}", "") file_dict[key] = the_file return file_dict
[docs] def make_query(self, query_dict={'sub': '*'}): """ Return a dictionary of files matching query. Parameters: query_dict (dict): A dictionary whose keys are entities and whose values are entity values to match. Returns: dict: A dictionary entries in this dictionary that match the query. Notes: - A query dictionary key a valid BIDS entity name such as sub or task. - A query dictionary value may be a string or a list. - A query value string should contain a specific value of the entity or a '*' indicating any value matches. - A query value list should be a list of valid values for the corresponding entity. """ response_dict = {} for key, file in self._file_dict.items(): if self.match_query(query_dict, file.entity_dict): response_dict[key] = file return response_dict
[docs] def split_by_entity(self, entity): """ Split this dictionary based on an entity. Parameters: entity (str): Entity name (for example task). Returns: tuple: - dict: A dictionary unique values of entity as keys and BidsFileDictionary objs as values. - dict: A BidsFileDictionary containing the files that don't have entity in their names. Notes: - This function is used for analysis where a single subject or single type of task is being analyzed. """ split_dict, leftovers = self._split_dict_by_entity(self._file_dict, entity) for entity_value, entity_dict in split_dict.items(): split_dict[entity_value] = self.get_new_dict(f"{}_{entity_value}", entity_dict) if leftovers: leftover_dict = self.get_new_dict( + "_left_overs", leftovers) else: leftover_dict = None return split_dict, leftover_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def match_query(query_dict, entity_dict): """ Return True if query has a match in dictionary. Parameters: query_dict (dict): A dictionary representing a query about entities. entity_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the entity representation for a BIDS file. Returns: bool: True if the query matches the entities representing the file. Notes: - A query is a dictionary whose keys are entity names and whose values are specific entity values or '*'. Examples: {'sub', '001', 'run', '*'} requests all runs from subject 001. """ for query, query_value in query_dict.items(): if query not in entity_dict: return False elif isinstance(query_value, str) and query_value != '*': return False elif isinstance(query_value, list) and (entity_dict[query] not in query_value): return False return True
@staticmethod def _split_dict_by_entity(file_dict, entity): """ Split a dict of BidsFile based on an entity. Parameters: file_dict (dict): Dictionary of BidsFile keyed by entity keys. entity (str): String Returns: dict: Dictionary of dictionaries with first-level keys constructed from the unique values of entities. dict: Dictionary of BidsFile that do not have the entity. """ split_dict = {} leftovers = {} for key, file in file_dict.items(): if entity not in file.entity_dict: leftovers[key] = file continue entity_value = file.entity_dict[entity] entity_dict = split_dict.get(entity_value, {}) entity_dict[key] = file split_dict[entity_value] = entity_dict return split_dict, leftovers @classmethod def _correct_file(cls, the_file): """ Transform to BidsFile if needed. Parameters: the_file (str or BidsFile): If a str, create a new BidsFile object, otherwise pass the original on. Returns: BidsFile: Either the original file or a newly created BidsTabularFile. :raises HedFileError: - If the_file isn't str or BidsFile. """ if isinstance(the_file, str): the_file = BidsFile(the_file) elif not isinstance(the_file, BidsFile): raise HedFileError("BadBidsFileArgument", f"_correct_file expects file path or BidsFile but found {str(the_file)}", []) return the_file