Source code for

""" Classes for managing counts of HED tags for columnar files. """

import copy

[docs]class HedTagCount:
[docs] def __init__(self, hed_tag, file_name): """ Counts for a particular HedTag in particular file. Parameters: hed_tag (HedTag): The HedTag to keep track of. file_name (str): Name of the file associated with the tag. """ self.tag = hed_tag.short_base_tag self.tag_terms = hed_tag.tag_terms = 1 self.files = {file_name: ''} self.value_dict = {} self.set_value(hed_tag)
[docs] def set_value(self, hed_tag): """ Update the tag term value counts for a HedTag. Parameters: hed_tag (HedTag or None): Item to use to update the value counts. """ if not hed_tag: return value = hed_tag.extension if not value: value = None if value in self.value_dict: self.value_dict[value] = self.value_dict[value] + 1 else: self.value_dict[value] = 1
[docs] def get_info(self, verbose=False): """ Return counts for this tag. Parameters: verbose (bool): If False (the default) only number of files included, otherwise a list of files. Returns: dict: Keys are 'tag', 'events', and 'files'. """ if verbose: files = [name for name in self.files] else: files = len(self.files) return {'tag': self.tag, 'events':, 'files': files}
[docs] def get_summary(self): """ Return a dictionary summary of the events and files for this tag. Returns: dict: dictionary summary of events and files that contain this tag. """ return {'tag': self.tag, 'events':, 'files': [name for name in self.files]}
[docs] def get_empty(self): empty = copy.copy(self) = 0 empty.files = {} empty.value_dict = {} return empty
[docs]class HedTagCounts: """ Counts of HED tags for a group of columnar files. Parameters: name (str): An identifier for these counts (usually the filename of the tabular file). total_events (int): The total number of events in the columnar file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, total_events=0): self.tag_dict = {} = name self.files = {} self.total_events = total_events
[docs] def update_event_counts(self, hed_string_obj, file_name): """ Update the tag counts based on a HedString object. Parameters: hed_string_obj (HedString): The HED string whose tags should be counted. file_name (str): The name of the file corresponding to these counts. """ if file_name not in self.files: self.files[file_name] = "" if not hed_string_obj: return tag_list = hed_string_obj.get_all_tags() tag_dict = {} for tag in tag_list: str_tag = tag.short_base_tag.casefold() if str_tag not in tag_dict: tag_dict[str_tag] = HedTagCount(tag, file_name) else: tag_dict[str_tag].set_value(tag) self.merge_tag_dicts(tag_dict)
[docs] def organize_tags(self, tag_template): """ Organize tags into categories as specified by the tag_template. Parameters: tag_template (dict): A dictionary whose keys are titles and values are lists of HED tags (str). Returns: dict: Keys are tags (strings) and values are list of HedTagCount for items fitting template. list: HedTagCount objects corresponding to tags that don't fit the template. """ template = self.create_template(tag_template) unmatched = [] for tag_count in self.tag_dict.values(): self._update_template(tag_count, template, unmatched) return template, unmatched
[docs] def merge_tag_dicts(self, other_dict): """ Merge the information from another dictionary with this object's tag dictionary. Parameters: other_dict (dict): Dictionary of tag, HedTagCount to merge. """ for tag, count in other_dict.items(): if tag not in self.tag_dict: self.tag_dict[tag] = count.get_empty() self.tag_dict[tag].events = self.tag_dict[tag].events + for file in count.files: self.tag_dict[tag].files[file] = '' if not self.tag_dict[tag].value_dict: continue for value, val_count in count.value_dict.items(): if value in self.tag_dict[tag].value_dict: self.tag_dict[tag].value_dict[value] = self.tag_dict[tag].value_dict + val_count else: self.tag_dict[tag].value_dict[value] = val_count
[docs] def get_summary(self): """ Return a summary object containing the tag count information of this summary. Returns: dict: Keys are 'name', 'files', 'total_events', and 'details'. """ details = {} for tag, count in self.tag_dict.items(): details[tag] = count.get_summary() return {'name': str(, 'files': list(self.files.keys()), 'total_events': self.total_events, 'details': details}
[docs] @staticmethod def create_template(tags): """ Creates a dictionary with keys based on list of keys in tags dictionary. Parameters: tags (dict): dictionary of tags and key lists. Returns: dict: Dictionary with keys in key lists and values are empty lists. Note: This class is used to organize the results of the tags based on a template for display. """ template_dict = {} for key, key_list in tags.items(): for element in key_list: template_dict[element.casefold()] = [] return template_dict
@staticmethod def _update_template(tag_count, template, unmatched): """ Update the template or unmatched with info in the tag_count. Parameters: tag_count (HedTagCount): Information for a particular tag. template (dict): The dictionary to match. unmatched (list): List of tag counts not matched so far. """ tag_list = reversed(list(tag_count.tag_terms)) for tag_key in tag_list: if tag_key in template.keys(): template[tag_key].append(tag_count) return unmatched.append(tag_count)