Source code for hed.schema.schema_io.wiki2schema

This module is used to create a HedSchema object from a .mediawiki file.
import re

from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedSectionKey, HedKey
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError, HedExceptions
from hed.errors import error_reporter
from hed.schema.schema_io import wiki_constants
from hed.schema.schema_io.base2schema import SchemaLoader
from hed.schema.schema_io.wiki_constants import HedWikiSection, SectionStarts, SectionNames
from hed.schema.schema_io import text_util

extend_here_line = 'extend here'
invalid_characters_to_strip = ["​"]
tag_name_expression = r'(\*+|\'{3})(.*?)(\'{3})?\s*([\[\{]|$)+'
tag_name_re = re.compile(tag_name_expression)
no_wiki_tag = '</?nowiki>'
no_wiki_start_tag = '<nowiki>'
no_wiki_end_tag = '</nowiki>'

required_sections = [

[docs]class SchemaLoaderWiki(SchemaLoader): """ Load MediaWiki schemas from filenames or strings. Expected usage is SchemaLoaderWiki.load(filename) SchemaLoaderWiki(filename) will load just the header_attributes """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, schema_as_string=None, schema=None, file_format=None, name=""): super().__init__(filename, schema_as_string, schema, file_format, name) self._schema.source_format = ".mediawiki"
def _open_file(self): if self.filename: with open(self.filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as wiki_file: wiki_lines = wiki_file.readlines() else: # Split this into lines, but keep linebreaks. wiki_lines = [line + "\n" for line in self.schema_as_string.split("\n")] return wiki_lines def _get_header_attributes(self, file_data): line = "" if file_data: line = file_data[0] if line.startswith(wiki_constants.HEADER_LINE_STRING): hed_attributes = self._get_header_attributes_internal(line[len(wiki_constants.HEADER_LINE_STRING):]) return hed_attributes msg = f"First line of file should be HED, instead found: {line}" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.SCHEMA_HEADER_MISSING, msg, def _parse_data(self): wiki_lines_by_section = self._split_lines_into_sections(self.input_data) parse_order = { HedWikiSection.HeaderLine: self._read_header_section, HedWikiSection.Prologue: self._read_prologue, HedWikiSection.Epilogue: self._read_epilogue, HedWikiSection.Properties: self._read_properties, HedWikiSection.Attributes: self._read_attributes, HedWikiSection.UnitModifiers: self._read_unit_modifiers, HedWikiSection.UnitsClasses: self._read_unit_classes, HedWikiSection.ValueClasses: self._read_value_classes, HedWikiSection.Schema: self._read_schema, } self._parse_sections(wiki_lines_by_section, parse_order) # Validate we didn't miss any required sections. for section in required_sections: if section not in wiki_lines_by_section: error_code = HedExceptions.SCHEMA_SECTION_MISSING msg = f"Required section separator '{SectionNames[section]}' not found in file" raise HedFileError(error_code, msg, if self.fatal_errors: self.fatal_errors = error_reporter.sort_issues(self.fatal_errors) raise HedFileError(self.fatal_errors[0]['code'], f"{len(self.fatal_errors)} issues found when parsing schema. See the .issues " f"parameter on this exception for more details.",, issues=self.fatal_errors) def _parse_sections(self, wiki_lines_by_section, parse_order): for section in parse_order: lines_for_section = wiki_lines_by_section.get(section, []) parse_func = parse_order[section] parse_func(lines_for_section) def _read_header_section(self, lines): """Ensure the header has no content other than the initial line. Parameters: lines (int, str): Lines for the header section. """ for line_number, line in lines: if line.strip(): msg = f"Extra content [{line}] between HED line and other sections" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.SCHEMA_HEADER_INVALID, msg, def _read_text_block(self, lines): text = "" for line_number, line in lines: text += line # We expect one blank line(plus the normal line break). Any additional lines should be preserved. if text.endswith("\n\n"): text = text[:-2] elif text.endswith("\n"): text = text[:-1] return text def _read_prologue(self, lines): """Add the prologue. Parameters: lines: (int, str): Lines for prologue section. """ self._schema.prologue = self._read_text_block(lines) def _read_epilogue(self, lines): """Adds the epilogue. Parameters: lines: (int, str): Lines for the epilogue section. """ self._schema.epilogue = self._read_text_block(lines) def _read_schema(self, lines): """Add the main schema section Parameters: lines (int, str): Lines for main schema section. """ self._schema._initialize_attributes(HedSectionKey.Tags) parent_tags = [] level_adj = 0 for line_number, line in lines: if line.startswith(wiki_constants.ROOT_TAG): parent_tags = [] level_adj = 0 else: level = self._get_tag_level(line) + level_adj if level < len(parent_tags): parent_tags = parent_tags[:level] elif level > len(parent_tags): self._add_fatal_error(line_number, line, "Line has too many *'s at front. You cannot skip a level.", HedExceptions.WIKI_LINE_START_INVALID) continue # Create the entry tag_entry = self._add_tag_line(parent_tags, line_number, line) if not tag_entry: # This will have already raised an error continue try: rooted_entry = self.find_rooted_entry(tag_entry, self._schema, self._loading_merged) if rooted_entry: parent_tags = rooted_entry.long_tag_name.split("/") level_adj = len(parent_tags) # Create the entry again for rooted tags, to get the full name. tag_entry = self._add_tag_line(parent_tags, line_number, line) except HedFileError as e: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, line, e.message, e.code) continue tag_entry = self._add_to_dict(line_number, line, tag_entry, HedSectionKey.Tags) parent_tags.append(tag_entry.short_tag_name) def _read_unit_classes(self, lines): """Add the unit classes section. Parameters: lines (int, str): Lines for the unit class section. """ self._schema._initialize_attributes(HedSectionKey.UnitClasses) self._schema._initialize_attributes(HedSectionKey.Units) unit_class_entry = None for line_number, line in lines: unit, _ = self._get_tag_name(line) if unit is None: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, line) continue level = self._get_tag_level(line) # This is a unit class if level == 1: unit_class_entry = self._create_entry(line_number, line, HedSectionKey.UnitClasses) unit_class_entry = self._add_to_dict(line_number, line, unit_class_entry, HedSectionKey.UnitClasses) # This is a unit class unit else: unit_class_unit_entry = self._create_entry(line_number, line, HedSectionKey.Units) self._add_to_dict(line_number, line, unit_class_unit_entry, HedSectionKey.Units) unit_class_entry.add_unit(unit_class_unit_entry) def _read_section(self, lines, section_key): self._schema._initialize_attributes(section_key) for line_number, line in lines: new_entry = self._create_entry(line_number, line, section_key) self._add_to_dict(line_number, line, new_entry, section_key) def _read_unit_modifiers(self, lines): """Add the unit modifiers section. Parameters: lines (int, str): Lines for the unit modifiers section. """ self._read_section(lines, HedSectionKey.UnitModifiers) def _read_value_classes(self, lines): """Add the value classes section. Parameters: lines (int, str): Lines for the value class section. """ self._read_section(lines, HedSectionKey.ValueClasses) def _read_properties(self, lines): self._read_section(lines, HedSectionKey.Properties) def _read_attributes(self, lines): self._read_section(lines, HedSectionKey.Attributes) def _get_header_attributes_internal(self, version_line): """Extracts all valid attributes like version from the HED line in .mediawiki format. Parameters: version_line (str): The line in the wiki file that contains the version or other attributes. Returns: dict: The key is the name of the attribute, value being the value. eg {'version':'v1.0.1'} """ if "=" not in version_line: return self._get_header_attributes_internal_old(version_line) attributes, malformed = text_util._parse_header_attributes_line(version_line) for m in malformed: # todo: May shift this at some point to report all errors raise HedFileError(code=HedExceptions.SCHEMA_HEADER_INVALID, message=f"Header line has a malformed attribute {m}", return attributes def _get_header_attributes_internal_old(self, version_line): """ Extract all valid attributes like version from the HED line in .mediawiki format. Parameters: version_line (str): The line in the wiki file that contains the version or other attributes. Returns: dict: The key is the name of the attribute, value being the value. eg {'version':'v1.0.1'}. """ final_attributes = {} attribute_pairs = version_line.split(',') for pair in attribute_pairs: divider_index = pair.find(':') if divider_index == -1: msg = f"Found poorly matched key:value pair in header: {pair}" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.SCHEMA_HEADER_INVALID, msg, key, value = pair[:divider_index], pair[divider_index + 1:] key = key.strip() value = value.strip() final_attributes[key] = value return final_attributes @staticmethod def _get_tag_level(tag_line): """ Get the tag level from a line in a wiki file. Parameters: tag_line (str): A tag line. Returns: int: Gets the tag level. Notes: The number of asterisks determine what level the tag is on. """ count = 0 while tag_line[count] == '*': count += 1 if count == 0: return 1 return count def _remove_nowiki_tag_from_line(self, line_number, tag_line): """Remove the nowiki tag from the line. Parameters: line_number (int): The line number to report errors as tag_line (str): A tag line. Returns: str: The line with the nowiki tag removed. """ index1 = tag_line.find(no_wiki_start_tag) index2 = tag_line.find(no_wiki_end_tag) if index1 == -1 ^ index2 == -1: # XOR operation, true if exactly one of the conditions is true self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line, "Invalid or non matching <nowiki> tags found") elif index1 != -1 and index2 <= index1: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line, "</nowiki> appears before <nowiki> on a line") tag_line = re.sub(no_wiki_tag, '', tag_line) return tag_line def _get_tag_name(self, tag_line): """ Get the tag name from the tag line. Parameters: tag_line (str): A tag line. Returns: str: The tag name. """ if tag_line.find(extend_here_line) != -1: return '', 0 for invalid_chars in invalid_characters_to_strip: tag_line = tag_line.replace(invalid_chars, "") match = if match: tag_name = if tag_name: return tag_name, match.regs[4][0] return None, 0 def _get_tag_attributes(self, line_number, tag_line, starting_index): """ Get the tag attributes from a line. Parameters: line_number (int): The line number to report errors as. tag_line (str): A tag line. starting_index (int): The first index we can check for the brackets. Returns: dict: Dictionary of attributes. int: The last index we found tag attributes at. """ attr_string, starting_index = SchemaLoaderWiki._get_line_section(tag_line, starting_index, '{', '}') try: return text_util.parse_attribute_string(attr_string), starting_index except ValueError as e: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, attr_string, str(e)) return {}, starting_index @staticmethod def _get_line_section(tag_line, starting_index, start_delim='[', end_delim=']'): """ Get the portion enclosed by the given delimiters. Parameters: tag_line (str): A tag line. starting_index (int): The first index we can check for the brackets. start_delim (str): The string that starts this block. end_delim (str): The string that ends this block. Returns: str: The tag description. int: The last index we found tag attributes at. """ count1 = tag_line.count(start_delim) count2 = tag_line.count(end_delim) if count1 != count2 or count1 > 1 or count2 > 1: return None, 0 tag_line = tag_line[starting_index:] index1 = tag_line.find(start_delim) index2 = tag_line.find(end_delim) if index2 < index1: return None, 0 if count1 == 0: return "", starting_index return tag_line[index1 + 1: index2], index2 + starting_index def _add_tag_line(self, parent_tags, line_number, tag_line): """ Add a tag to the dictionaries. Parameters: parent_tags (list): A list of parent tags in order. line_number (int): The line number to report errors as tag_line (str): A tag line. Returns: HedSchemaEntry: The entry for the added tag. Notes: Includes attributes and description. """ tag_name, _ = self._get_tag_name(tag_line) if tag_name: if parent_tags: long_tag_name = "/".join(parent_tags) + "/" + tag_name else: long_tag_name = tag_name return self._create_entry(line_number, tag_line, HedSectionKey.Tags, long_tag_name) self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line) return None def _create_entry(self, line_number, tag_line, key_class, element_name=None): node_name, index = self._get_tag_name(tag_line) if node_name is None: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line) return if element_name: node_name = element_name node_attributes, index = self._get_tag_attributes(line_number, tag_line, index) if node_attributes is None: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line, "Attributes has mismatched delimiters") return node_desc, _ = self._get_line_section(tag_line, index) if node_desc is None: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, tag_line, "Description has mismatched delimiters") return tag_entry = self._schema._create_tag_entry(node_name, key_class) if node_desc: tag_entry.description = node_desc.strip() for attribute_name, attribute_value in node_attributes.items(): tag_entry._set_attribute_value(attribute_name, attribute_value) return tag_entry def _check_for_new_section(self, line, strings_for_section, current_section): new_section = None for key, section_string in SectionStarts.items(): if line.startswith(section_string): if key in strings_for_section: msg = f"Found section {SectionNames[key]} twice" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.WIKI_SEPARATOR_INVALID, msg, if current_section < key: new_section = key else: error_code = HedExceptions.SCHEMA_SECTION_MISSING msg = f"Found section {SectionNames[key]} out of order in file" raise HedFileError(error_code, msg, break return new_section def _handle_bad_section_sep(self, line, current_section): if current_section != HedWikiSection.Schema and line.startswith(wiki_constants.ROOT_TAG): msg = f"Invalid section separator '{line.strip()}'" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.SCHEMA_SECTION_MISSING, msg, if line.startswith("!#"): msg = f"Invalid section separator '{line.strip()}'" raise HedFileError(HedExceptions.WIKI_SEPARATOR_INVALID, msg, def _split_lines_into_sections(self, wiki_lines): """ Takes a list of lines, and splits it into valid wiki sections. Parameters: wiki_lines : [str] Returns: sections: {str: [str]} A list of lines for each section of the schema(not including the identifying section line) """ current_section = HedWikiSection.HeaderLine strings_for_section = {} strings_for_section[HedWikiSection.HeaderLine] = [] for line_number, line in enumerate(wiki_lines): # Header is handled earlier if line_number == 0: continue new_section = self._check_for_new_section(line, strings_for_section, current_section) if new_section: strings_for_section[new_section] = [] current_section = new_section continue self._handle_bad_section_sep(line, current_section) if current_section == HedWikiSection.Prologue or current_section == HedWikiSection.Epilogue: strings_for_section[current_section].append((line_number + 1, line)) else: line = self._remove_nowiki_tag_from_line(line_number + 1, line.strip()) if line: strings_for_section[current_section].append((line_number + 1, line)) return strings_for_section def _add_to_dict(self, line_number, line, entry, key_class): if entry.has_attribute(HedKey.InLibrary) and not self._loading_merged and not self.appending_to_schema: self._add_fatal_error(line_number, line, "Library tag in unmerged schema has InLibrary attribute", HedExceptions.IN_LIBRARY_IN_UNMERGED) return self._add_to_dict_base(entry, key_class)