Source code for hed.schema.hed_schema_entry

from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedSectionKey
from hed.schema.hed_schema_constants import HedKey

import inflect

pluralize = inflect.engine()
pluralize.defnoun("hertz", "hertz")

[docs]class HedSchemaEntry: """ A single node in a HedSchema. The structure contains all the node information including attributes and properties. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, section): """ Constructor for HedSchemaEntry. Parameters: name (str): The name of the entry. section (HedSchemaSection): The section to which it belongs. """ = name # key: property/attribute name, value = property value. Will often be a bool self.attributes = {} self.description = None self._section = section # This section is largely unused. It will only be filled in when we try to add an attribute # that isn't valid in this section. self._unknown_attributes = None
[docs] def finalize_entry(self, schema): """ Called once after loading to set internal state. Parameters: schema (HedSchema): The schema that holds the rules. """ # Clear out any known attributes from the unknown section to_remove = [] if self._unknown_attributes: for attribute in self._unknown_attributes: if attribute in self._section.valid_attributes: to_remove.append(attribute) for item in to_remove: self._unknown_attributes.pop(item)
[docs] def has_attribute(self, attribute, return_value=False): """ Checks for the existence of an attribute in this entry. Parameters: attribute (str): The attribute to check for. return_value (bool): If True, returns the actual value of the attribute. If False, returns a boolean indicating the presence of the attribute. Returns: bool or any: If return_value is False, returns True if the attribute exists and False otherwise. If return_value is True, returns the value of the attribute if it exists, else returns None. Notes: - The existence of an attribute does not guarantee its validity. """ if return_value: return self.attributes.get(attribute, None) else: return attribute in self.attributes
[docs] def attribute_has_property(self, attribute, property_name): """ Return True if attribute has property. Parameters: attribute (str): Attribute name to check for property_name. property_name (str): The property value to return. Returns: bool: Returns True if this entry has the property. """ attr_entry = self._section.valid_attributes.get(attribute) if attr_entry and attr_entry.has_attribute(property_name): return True
def _set_attribute_value(self, attribute, attribute_value): """ Add attribute and set its value. Parameters: attribute (str): The name of the schema entry attribute. attribute_value (bool or str): The value of the attribute. Notes: - If this an invalid attribute name, it will be also added as an unknown attribute. """ if not attribute_value: return # todo: remove this patch and redo the code # This check doesn't need to be done if the schema is valid. if attribute not in self._section.valid_attributes: # print(f"Unknown attribute {attribute}") if self._unknown_attributes is None: self._unknown_attributes = {} self._unknown_attributes[attribute] = attribute_value self.attributes[attribute] = attribute_value @property def section_key(self): return self._section.section_key def __eq__(self, other): if != return False if not self._compare_attributes_no_order(self.attributes, other.attributes): return False if self.description != other.description: return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash( def __str__(self): return @staticmethod def _compare_attributes_no_order(left, right): if left != right: left = {name: (set(value.split(",")) if isinstance(value, str) else value) for (name, value) in left.items()} right = {name: (set(value.split(",")) if isinstance(value, str) else value) for (name, value) in right.items()} return left == right
[docs]class UnitClassEntry(HedSchemaEntry): """ A single unit class entry in the HedSchema. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._units = [] self.units = [] self.derivative_units = {}
@property def children(self): """ Alias to get the units for this class Returns: unit_list(list): The unit list for this class """ return self.units
[docs] def add_unit(self, unit_entry): """ Add the given unit entry to this unit class. Parameters: unit_entry (HedSchemaEntry): Unit entry to add. """ self._units.append(unit_entry)
[docs] def finalize_entry(self, schema): """ Called once after schema load to set state. Parameters: schema (HedSchema): The object with the schema rules. """ self.units = { unit_entry for unit_entry in self._units} for unit_entry in self.units.values(): unit_entry.unit_class_entry = self derivative_units = {} for unit_entry in self.units.values(): derivative_units.update({key: unit_entry for key in unit_entry.derivative_units.keys()}) self.derivative_units = derivative_units
def __eq__(self, other): if not super().__eq__(other): return False if self.units != other.units: return False return True
[docs] def get_derivative_unit_entry(self, units): """ Gets the (derivative) unit entry if it exists Parameters: units (str): The unit name to check, can be plural or include a modifier. Returns: unit_entry(UnitEntry or None): The unit entry if it exists """ possible_match = self.derivative_units.get(units) # If we have a match that's a unit symbol, we're done, return it. if possible_match and possible_match.has_attribute(HedKey.UnitSymbol): return possible_match possible_match = self.derivative_units.get(units.casefold()) # Unit symbols must match including case, a match of a unit symbol now is something like M becoming m. if possible_match and possible_match.has_attribute(HedKey.UnitSymbol): possible_match = None return possible_match
[docs]class UnitEntry(HedSchemaEntry): """ A single unit entry with modifiers in the HedSchema. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.unit_modifiers = [] self.derivative_units = {} self.unit_class_entry = None
[docs] def finalize_entry(self, schema): """ Called once after loading to set internal state. Parameters: schema (HedSchema): The schema rules come from. """ self.unit_modifiers = schema._get_modifiers_for_unit( derivative_units = {} if self.has_attribute(HedKey.UnitSymbol): base_plural_units = {} else: base_plural_units = {} base_plural_units.add(pluralize.plural( for derived_unit in base_plural_units: derivative_units[derived_unit] = self._get_conversion_factor(None) for modifier in self.unit_modifiers: derivative_units[ + derived_unit] = self._get_conversion_factor(modifier_entry=modifier) self.derivative_units = derivative_units
def _get_conversion_factor(self, modifier_entry): base_factor = modifier_factor = 1.0 try: base_factor = float(self.attributes.get(HedKey.ConversionFactor, "1.0").replace("^", "e")) if modifier_entry: modifier_factor = float(modifier_entry.attributes.get(HedKey.ConversionFactor, "1.0").replace("^", "e")) except (ValueError, AttributeError): pass # Just default to 1.0 return base_factor * modifier_factor
[docs] def get_conversion_factor(self, unit_name): """Returns the conversion factor from combining this unit with the specified modifier Parameters: unit_name (str or None): the full name of the unit with modifier Returns: conversion_factor(float or None): Returns the conversion factor or None """ if HedKey.ConversionFactor in self.attributes: return float(self.derivative_units.get(unit_name))
[docs]class HedTagEntry(HedSchemaEntry): """ A single tag entry in the HedSchema. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.unit_classes = {} self.value_classes = {} # These always have any /# stripped off the end, so they can easily be used with normal code. self.long_tag_name = None self.short_tag_name = None self.takes_value_child_entry = None # this is a child takes value tag, if one exists self._parent_tag = None self.tag_terms = tuple() # During setup, it's better to have attributes shadow inherited before getting its own copy later. self.inherited_attributes = self.attributes # Descendent tags below this one self.children = {}
def __eq__(self, other): if not super().__eq__(other): return False if not self._compare_attributes_no_order(self.inherited_attributes, other.inherited_attributes): return False return True
[docs] def has_attribute(self, attribute, return_value=False): """ Returns th existence or value of an attribute in this entry. This also checks parent tags for inheritable attributes like ExtensionAllowed. Parameters: attribute (str): The attribute to check for. return_value (bool): If True, returns the actual value of the attribute. If False, returns a boolean indicating the presence of the attribute. Returns: bool or any: If return_value is False, returns True if the attribute exists and False otherwise. If return_value is True, returns the value of the attribute if it exists, else returns None. Notes: - The existence of an attribute does not guarantee its validity. """ val = self.inherited_attributes.get(attribute) if not return_value: val = val is not None return val
def _check_inherited_attribute_internal(self, attribute): """Gather up all instances of an attribute from this entry and any parent entries""" attribute_values = [] iter_entry = self while iter_entry is not None: if iter_entry.takes_value_child_entry: break if attribute in iter_entry.attributes: attribute_values.append(iter_entry.attributes[attribute]) iter_entry = iter_entry._parent_tag return attribute_values def _check_inherited_attribute(self, attribute, return_value=False): """ Checks for the existence of an attribute in this entry and its parents. Parameters: attribute (str): The attribute to check for. return_value (bool): If True, returns the actual value of the attribute. If False, returns a boolean indicating the presence of the attribute. Returns: bool or any: Depending on the flag return_value, returns either the presence of the attribute, or its value. Notes: - The existence of an attribute does not guarantee its validity. - For string attributes, the values are joined with a comma as a delimiter from all ancestors. - For other attributes, only the value closest to the leaf is returned """ attribute_values = self._check_inherited_attribute_internal(attribute) if return_value: if not attribute_values: return None try: return ",".join(attribute_values) except TypeError: return attribute_values[0] # Return the lowest level attribute if we don't want the union return bool(attribute_values)
[docs] def base_tag_has_attribute(self, tag_attribute): """ Check if the base tag has a specific attribute. Parameters: tag_attribute (str): A tag attribute. Returns: bool: True if the tag has the specified attribute. False, if otherwise. Notes: This mostly is relevant for takes value tags. """ base_entry = self if self.has_attribute(HedKey.TakesValue): base_entry = base_entry._parent_tag return base_entry.has_attribute(tag_attribute)
@property def parent(self): """Get the parent entry of this tag""" return self._parent_tag @property def parent_name(self): """Gets the parent tag entry name""" if self._parent_tag: return parent_name, _, child_name ="/") return parent_name def _finalize_classes(self, schema, attribute_key, section_key): result = {} if attribute_key in self.attributes: for attribute_name in self.attributes[attribute_key].split(","): entry = schema._get_tag_entry(attribute_name, section_key) if entry: result[attribute_name] = entry return result def _finalize_takes_value_tag(self, schema): if"/#"): self.unit_classes = self._finalize_classes(schema, HedKey.UnitClass, HedSectionKey.UnitClasses) self.value_classes = self._finalize_classes(schema, HedKey.ValueClass, HedSectionKey.ValueClasses) def _finalize_inherited_attributes(self): # Replace the list with a copy we can modify. self.inherited_attributes = self.attributes.copy() for attribute in self._section.inheritable_attributes: if self._check_inherited_attribute(attribute): self.inherited_attributes[attribute] = self._check_inherited_attribute(attribute, True)
[docs] def finalize_entry(self, schema): """ Called once after schema loading to set state. Parameters: schema (HedSchema): The schema that the rules come from. """ # Set the parent and child pointers. Child is just for "takes value" parent_name, _, child_name ="/") parent_tag = None if parent_name: parent_tag = schema._get_tag_entry(parent_name) self._parent_tag = parent_tag if self._parent_tag: self._parent_tag.children[self.short_tag_name] = self self.takes_value_child_entry = schema._get_tag_entry( + "/#") self.tag_terms = tuple(self.long_tag_name.casefold().split("/")) self._finalize_inherited_attributes() self._finalize_takes_value_tag(schema)