Source code for hed.schema.hed_schema_constants

from enum import Enum

[docs]class HedSectionKey(Enum): """ Keys designating specific sections in a HedSchema object. """ # overarching category listing all tags Tags = 'tags' # Overarching category listing all unit classes UnitClasses = 'unitClasses' # Overarching category listing all units(not divided by type) Units = 'units' # Overarching category listing all unit modifiers. UnitModifiers = 'unitModifiers' # Overarching category listing all value classes ValueClasses = "valueClasses" # These are the allowed attributes list, gathered from the schema on load. Attributes = 'attributes' # These are the allowed attribute property list, gathered from the schema on load. Properties = 'properties'
[docs]class HedKey: """ Known property and attribute names. Notes: - These names should match the attribute values in the XML/wiki. """ # Tag attributes ExtensionAllowed = 'extensionAllowed' Recommended = 'recommended' Required = 'required' RequireChild = 'requireChild' TagGroup = 'tagGroup' TakesValue = 'takesValue' TopLevelTagGroup = 'topLevelTagGroup' Unique = 'unique' UnitClass = 'unitClass' ValueClass = "valueClass" RelatedTag = "relatedTag" SuggestedTag = "suggestedTag" Rooted = "rooted" DeprecatedFrom = "deprecatedFrom" ConversionFactor = "conversionFactor" Reserved = "reserved" SIUnit = 'SIUnit' UnitSymbol = 'unitSymbol' # Default Units for Type DefaultUnits = 'defaultUnits' UnitPrefix = 'unitPrefix' SIUnitModifier = 'SIUnitModifier' SIUnitSymbolModifier = 'SIUnitSymbolModifier' # value class attributes AllowedCharacter = 'allowedCharacter' # Node attributes InLibrary = "inLibrary" HedID = 'hedId' UnitClassDomain = "unitClassDomain" UnitDomain = "unitDomain" UnitModifierDomain = "unitModifierDomain" ValueClassDomain = "valueClassDomain" ElementDomain = "elementDomain" TagDomain = "tagDomain" AnnotationProperty = "annotationProperty" BoolRange = "boolRange" TagRange = "tagRange" NumericRange = "numericRange" StringRange = "stringRange" UnitClassRange = "unitClassRange" UnitRange = "unitRange" ValueClassRange = "valueClassRange"
[docs]class HedKeyOld: # Fully Deprecated properties BoolProperty = 'boolProperty' UnitClassProperty = 'unitClassProperty' UnitProperty = 'unitProperty' UnitModifierProperty = 'unitModifierProperty' ValueClassProperty = 'valueClassProperty' ElementProperty = 'elementProperty' NodeProperty = 'nodeProperty' IsInheritedProperty = 'isInheritedProperty'
VERSION_ATTRIBUTE = 'version' LIBRARY_ATTRIBUTE = 'library' WITH_STANDARD_ATTRIBUTE = "withStandard" UNMERGED_ATTRIBUTE = "unmerged" NS_ATTRIB = "xmlns:xsi" NO_LOC_ATTRIB = "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation" # A list of all attributes that can appear in the header line valid_header_attributes = { VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, LIBRARY_ATTRIBUTE, WITH_STANDARD_ATTRIBUTE, NS_ATTRIB, NO_LOC_ATTRIB, UNMERGED_ATTRIBUTE } character_types = { "ascii": set([chr(x) for x in range(0, 127)]), "nonascii": "nonascii", # Special case for all other printable unicode characters "printable": set([chr(x) for x in range(32, 127)]), "lowercase": set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), "uppercase": set("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), "digits": set("0123456789"), "tab": set("\t"), "newline": set("\n"), "blank": set(" "), "exclamation": set("!"), "double-quote": set('"'), "number-sign": set("#"), "dollar": set("$"), "percent-sign": set("%"), "ampersand": set("&"), "single-quote": set("'"), "left-paren": set("("), "right-paren": set(")"), "asterisk": set("*"), "plus": set("+"), "comma": set(","), "hyphen": set("-"), "period": set("."), "slash": set("/"), "colon": set(":"), "semicolon": set(";"), "less-than": set("<"), "equals": set("="), "greater-than": set(">"), "question-mark": set("?"), "at-sign": set("@"), "backslash": set("\\"), "caret": set("^"), "underscore": set("_"), "vertical-bar": set("|"), "tilde": set("~"), } banned_delimiters = set(",[]{}") # Compound types character_types["letters"] = character_types["lowercase"] | character_types["uppercase"] character_types["alphanumeric"] = character_types["letters"] | character_types["digits"] character_types["text"] = character_types["printable"].copy() character_types["text"].add("nonascii") character_types["text"] -= banned_delimiters character_types["name"] = character_types["alphanumeric"] | character_types["hyphen"] | character_types["period"] | character_types["underscore"] character_types["name"].add("nonascii")