Source code for hed.errors.error_reporter

Support functions for reporting validation errors.

You can scope the formatted errors with calls to push_error_context and pop_error_context.

from functools import wraps
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from hed.errors.error_types import ErrorContext, ErrorSeverity
from hed.errors.known_error_codes import known_error_codes

error_functions = {}

# Controls if the default issue printing skips adding indentation for this context.
no_tab_context = {ErrorContext.HED_STRING, ErrorContext.SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE}

# Default sort ordering for issues list.
default_sort_list = [

# ErrorContext which is expected to be int based.
int_sort_list = [

def _register_error_function(error_type, wrapper_func):
    if error_type in error_functions:
        raise KeyError(f"{error_type} defined more than once.")

    error_functions[error_type] = wrapper_func

[docs]def hed_error(error_type, default_severity=ErrorSeverity.ERROR, actual_code=None): """ Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes. Parameters: error_type (str): A value from error_types or optionally another value. default_severity (ErrorSeverity): The default severity for the decorated error. actual_code (str): The actual error to report to the outside world. """ if actual_code is None: actual_code = error_type def inner_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, severity=default_severity, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for error handling non-tag errors. Parameters: args (args): non keyword args. severity (ErrorSeverity): Will override the default error value if passed. kwargs (**kwargs): Any keyword args to be passed down to error message function. Returns: list: A list of dict with the errors. """ base_message = func(*args, **kwargs) error_object = ErrorHandler._create_error_object(actual_code, base_message, severity) return error_object _register_error_function(error_type, wrapper_func=wrapper) return wrapper return inner_decorator
[docs]def hed_tag_error(error_type, default_severity=ErrorSeverity.ERROR, has_sub_tag=False, actual_code=None): """ Decorator for errors in error handler or inherited classes. Parameters: error_type (str): A value from error_types or optionally another value. default_severity (ErrorSeverity): The default severity for the decorated error. has_sub_tag (bool): If True, this error message also wants a sub_tag passed down. eg "This" in "This/Is/A/Tag" actual_code (str): The actual error to report to the outside world. """ if actual_code is None: actual_code = error_type def inner_decorator(func): if has_sub_tag: @wraps(func) def wrapper(tag, index_in_tag, index_in_tag_end, *args, severity=default_severity, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for error handling tag errors with sub tags. Parameters: tag (HedTag): The HED tag object with the problem. index_in_tag (int): The index into the tag with a problem(usually 0). index_in_tag_end (int): The last index into the tag with a problem - usually len(tag). args (args): Any other non keyword args. severity (ErrorSeverity): Used to include warnings as well as errors. kwargs (**kwargs): Any keyword args to be passed down to error message function. Returns: list: A list of dict with the errors. """ try: tag_as_string = tag.tag except AttributeError: tag_as_string = str(tag) if index_in_tag_end is None: index_in_tag_end = len(tag_as_string) problem_sub_tag = tag_as_string[index_in_tag: index_in_tag_end] try: org_tag_text = tag.org_tag except AttributeError: org_tag_text = str(tag) base_message = func(org_tag_text, problem_sub_tag, *args, **kwargs) error_object = ErrorHandler._create_error_object(actual_code, base_message, severity, index_in_tag=index_in_tag, index_in_tag_end=index_in_tag_end, source_tag=tag) return error_object _register_error_function(error_type, wrapper_func=wrapper) return wrapper else: @wraps(func) def wrapper(tag, *args, severity=default_severity, **kwargs): """ Wrapper function for error handling tag errors. Parameters: tag (HedTag or HedGroup): The HED tag object with the problem. args (non keyword args): Any other non keyword args. severity (ErrorSeverity): For including warnings. kwargs (keyword args): Any keyword args to be passed down to error message function. Returns: list: A list of dict with the errors. """ from hed.models.hed_tag import HedTag from hed.models.hed_group import HedGroup if isinstance(tag, HedTag): org_tag_text = tag.org_tag elif isinstance(tag, HedGroup): org_tag_text = tag.get_original_hed_string() else: org_tag_text = str(tag) base_message = func(org_tag_text, *args, **kwargs) error_object = ErrorHandler._create_error_object(actual_code, base_message, severity, source_tag=tag) return error_object _register_error_function(error_type, wrapper_func=wrapper) return wrapper return inner_decorator
# Import after hed_error decorators are defined. from hed.errors import error_messages # noqa:E402 from hed.errors import schema_error_messages # noqa:E402 # Intentional to make sure tools don't think the import is unused error_messages.mark_as_used = True schema_error_messages.mark_as_used = True
[docs]class ErrorHandler: """Class to hold error context and having general error functions."""
[docs] def __init__(self, check_for_warnings=True): # The current (ordered) dictionary of contexts. self.error_context = [] self._check_for_warnings = check_for_warnings
[docs] def push_error_context(self, context_type, context): """ Push a new error context to narrow down error scope. Parameters: context_type (ErrorContext): A value from ErrorContext representing the type of scope. context (str, int, or HedString): The main value for the context_type. Notes: The context depends on the context_type. For ErrorContext.FILE_NAME this would be the actual filename. """ if context is None: if context_type in int_sort_list: context = 0 else: context = "" self.error_context.append((context_type, context))
[docs] def pop_error_context(self): """ Remove the last scope from the error context. Notes: Modifies the error context of this reporter. """ self.error_context.pop(-1)
[docs] def reset_error_context(self): """ Reset all error context information to defaults. Notes: This function is mainly for testing and should not be needed with proper usage. """ self.error_context = []
[docs] def format_error_with_context(self, *args, **kwargs): error_object = ErrorHandler.format_error(*args, **kwargs) if self is not None: actual_error = error_object[0] # # Filter out warning errors if not self._check_for_warnings and actual_error['severity'] >= ErrorSeverity.WARNING: return [] self._add_context_to_errors(actual_error, self.error_context) self._update_error_with_char_pos(actual_error) return error_object
[docs] @staticmethod def format_error(error_type, *args, actual_error=None, **kwargs): """ Format an error based on the parameters, which vary based on what type of error this is. Parameters: error_type (str): The type of error for this. Registered with @hed_error or @hed_tag_error. args (args): Any remaining non keyword args after those required by the error type. actual_error (str or None): Code to actually add to report out. kwargs (kwargs): The other keyword args to pass down to the error handling func. Returns: list: A list containing a single dictionary representing a single error. Notes: The actual error is useful for errors that are shared like invalid character. """ error_func = error_functions.get(error_type) if not error_func: error_object = ErrorHandler.val_error_unknown(*args, **kwargs) error_object['code'] = error_type else: error_object = error_func(*args, **kwargs) if actual_error: error_object['code'] = actual_error return [error_object]
[docs] def add_context_and_filter(self, issues): """ Filter out warnings if requested, while adding context to issues. issues(list): list: A list containing a single dictionary representing a single error. """ if not self._check_for_warnings: issues[:] = self.filter_issues_by_severity(issues, ErrorSeverity.ERROR) for error_object in issues: self._add_context_to_errors(error_object, self.error_context) self._update_error_with_char_pos(error_object)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_error_from_context(error_type, error_context, *args, actual_error=None, **kwargs): """ Format an error based on the error type. Parameters: error_type (str): The type of error. Registered with @hed_error or @hed_tag_error. error_context (list): Contains the error context to use for this error. args (args): Any remaining non keyword args. actual_error (str or None): Error code to actually add to report out. kwargs (kwargs): Keyword parameters to pass down to the error handling func. Returns: list: A list containing a single dictionary. Notes: - Generally the error_context is returned from _add_context_to_errors. - The actual_error is useful for errors that are shared like invalid character. - This can't filter out warnings like the other ones. """ error_list = ErrorHandler.format_error(error_type, *args, actual_error=actual_error, **kwargs) ErrorHandler._add_context_to_errors(error_list[0], error_context) ErrorHandler._update_error_with_char_pos(error_list[0]) return error_list
@staticmethod def _add_context_to_errors(error_object, error_context_to_add): """ Add relevant context such as row number or column name around an error object. Parameters: error_object (dict): Generated error containing at least a code and message entry. error_context_to_add (list): Source context to use. If none, the error handler context is used. Returns: list: A list of dict with needed context strings added at the beginning of the list. """ for (context_type, context) in error_context_to_add: error_object[context_type] = context return error_object @staticmethod def _create_error_object(error_type, base_message, severity, **kwargs): error_object = {'code': error_type, 'message': base_message, 'severity': severity } for key, value in kwargs.items(): error_object.setdefault(key, value) return error_object @staticmethod def _get_tag_span_to_error_object(error_object): if ErrorContext.HED_STRING not in error_object: return None, None if 'source_tag' in error_object: source_tag = error_object['source_tag'] if isinstance(source_tag, int): return None, None else: return None, None hed_string = error_object[ErrorContext.HED_STRING] span = hed_string._get_org_span(source_tag) return span @staticmethod def _update_error_with_char_pos(error_object): # This part is optional as you can always generate these as needed. start, end = ErrorHandler._get_tag_span_to_error_object(error_object) if start is not None: # silence warning in pycharm start = int(start) source_tag = error_object.get('source_tag', None) # Todo: Move this functionality somewhere more centralized. # If the tag has been modified from the original, don't try to use sub indexing. if source_tag and source_tag._tag: new_start, new_end = start, end else: new_start = start + error_object.get('index_in_tag', 0) index_in_tag_end = end if 'index_in_tag_end' in error_object: index_in_tag_end = start + error_object['index_in_tag_end'] new_end = index_in_tag_end error_object['char_index'], error_object['char_index_end'] = new_start, new_end error_object['message'] += f" Problem spans string indexes: {new_start}, {new_end}"
[docs] @hed_error("Unknown") def val_error_unknown(*args, **kwargs): """ Default error handler if no error of this type was registered. Parameters: args (args): List of non-keyword parameters (varies). kwargs (kwargs): Keyword parameters (varies) Returns: str: The error message. """ return f"Unknown error. Args: {str(args), str(kwargs)}"
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_issues_by_severity(issues_list, severity): """ Gather all issues matching or below a given severity. Parameters: issues_list (list): A list of dictionaries containing the full issue list. severity (int): The level of issues to keep. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries containing the issue list after filtering by severity. """ return [issue for issue in issues_list if issue['severity'] <= severity]
[docs]def sort_issues(issues, reverse=False): """Sort a list of issues by the error context values. Parameters: issues (list): A list of dictionaries representing the issues to be sorted. reverse (bool, optional): If True, sorts the list in descending order. Default is False. Returns: list: The sorted list of issues.""" def _get_keys(d): result = [] for key in default_sort_list: if key in int_sort_list: result.append(d.get(key, -1)) else: result.append(d.get(key, "")) return tuple(result) issues = sorted(issues, key=_get_keys, reverse=reverse) return issues
[docs]def check_for_any_errors(issues_list): """ Return True if there are any errors with a severity of warning. """ for issue in issues_list: if issue['severity'] < ErrorSeverity.WARNING: return True return False
[docs]def get_printable_issue_string(issues, title=None, severity=None, skip_filename=True, add_link=False): """ Return a string with issues list flatted into single string, one per line. Parameters: issues (list): Issues to print. title (str): Optional title that will always show up first if present(even if there are no validation issues). severity (int): Return only warnings >= severity. skip_filename (bool): If True, don't add the filename context to the printable string. add_link (bool): Add a link at the end of message to the appropriate error if True Returns: str: A string containing printable version of the issues or ''. """ if severity is not None: issues = ErrorHandler.filter_issues_by_severity(issues, severity) output_dict = _build_error_context_dict(issues, skip_filename) issue_string = _error_dict_to_string(output_dict, add_link=add_link) if title: issue_string = title + '\n' + issue_string return issue_string
[docs]def get_printable_issue_string_html(issues, title=None, severity=None, skip_filename=True): """ Return a string with issues list as an HTML tree. Parameters: issues (list): Issues to print. title (str): Optional title that will always show up first if present. severity (int): Return only warnings >= severity. skip_filename (bool): If True, don't add the filename context to the printable string. Returns: str: An HTML string containing the issues or ''. """ if severity is not None: issues = ErrorHandler.filter_issues_by_severity(issues, severity) output_dict = _build_error_context_dict(issues, skip_filename) root_element = _create_error_tree(output_dict) if title: title_element = ET.Element("h1") title_element.text = title root_element.insert(0, title_element) return ET.tostring(root_element, encoding='unicode')
def _build_error_context_dict(issues, skip_filename): """Build the context -> error dictionary for an entire list of issues. Returns: dict: A nested dictionary structure with a "children" key at each level for unrelated children. """ output_dict = None for single_issue in issues: single_issue_context = _get_context_from_issue(single_issue, skip_filename) output_dict = _add_single_error_to_dict(single_issue_context, output_dict, single_issue) return output_dict def _add_single_error_to_dict(items, root=None, issue_to_add=None): """ Build a nested dictionary out of the context lists. Parameters: items (list): A list of error contexts root (dict, optional): An existing nested dictionary structure to update. issue_to_add (dict, optional): The issue to add at this level of context. Returns: dict: A nested dictionary structure with a "children" key at each level for unrelated children. """ if root is None: root = {"children": []} current_dict = root for item in items: # Navigate to the next level if the item already exists, or create a new level next_dict = current_dict.get(item, {"children": []}) current_dict[item] = next_dict current_dict = next_dict if issue_to_add: current_dict["children"].append(issue_to_add) return root def _error_dict_to_string(print_dict, add_link=True, level=0): output = "" if print_dict is None: return output for context, value in print_dict.items(): if context == "children": for child in value: single_issue_message = child["message"] issue_string = level * "\t" + _get_error_prefix(child) issue_string += f"{single_issue_message}\n" if add_link: link_url = create_doc_link(child['code']) if link_url: single_issue_message += f" See... {link_url}" output += issue_string continue output += _format_single_context_string(context[0], context[1], level) output += _error_dict_to_string(value, add_link, level + 1) return output def _get_context_from_issue(val_issue, skip_filename=True): """ Extract all the context values from the given issue. Parameters: val_issue (dict): A dictionary a representing a single error. skip_filename (bool): If True, don't gather the filename context. Returns: list: A list of tuples containing the context_type and context for the given issue. """ single_issue_context = [] for key, value in val_issue.items(): if skip_filename and key == ErrorContext.FILE_NAME: continue if key == ErrorContext.HED_STRING: value = value.get_original_hed_string() if key.startswith("ec_"): single_issue_context.append((key, str(value))) return single_issue_context def _get_error_prefix(single_issue): """Return the prefix for the error message based on severity and error code. Parameters: single_issue(dict): A single issue object. Returns: error_prefix(str): the prefix to use. """ severity = single_issue.get('severity', ErrorSeverity.ERROR) error_code = single_issue['code'] if severity == ErrorSeverity.ERROR: error_prefix = f"{error_code}: " else: error_prefix = f"{error_code}: (Warning) " return error_prefix def _format_single_context_string(context_type, context, tab_count=0): """ Return the human-readable form of a single context tuple. Parameters: context_type (str): The context type of this entry. context (str or HedString): The value of this context. tab_count (int): Number of tabs to name_prefix each line with. Returns: str: A string containing the context, including tabs. """ tab_string = tab_count * '\t' error_types = { ErrorContext.FILE_NAME: f"\nErrors in file '{context}'", ErrorContext.SIDECAR_COLUMN_NAME: f"Column '{context}':", ErrorContext.SIDECAR_KEY_NAME: f"Key: {context}", ErrorContext.ROW: f'Issues in row {context}:', ErrorContext.COLUMN: f'Issues in column {context}:', ErrorContext.CUSTOM_TITLE: context, ErrorContext.LINE: f"Line: {context}", ErrorContext.HED_STRING: f"hed string: {context}", ErrorContext.SCHEMA_SECTION: f"Schema Section: {context}", ErrorContext.SCHEMA_TAG: f"Source tag: {context}", ErrorContext.SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE: f"Source Attribute: {context}", } context_portion = error_types[context_type] context_string = f"{tab_string}{context_portion}\n" return context_string def _create_error_tree(error_dict, parent_element=None, add_link=True): if parent_element is None: parent_element = ET.Element("ul") for context, value in error_dict.items(): if context == "children": for child in value: child_li = ET.SubElement(parent_element, "li") error_prefix = _get_error_prefix(child) single_issue_message = child["message"] # Create a link for the error prefix if add_link is True. if add_link: link_url = create_doc_link(child['code']) if link_url: a_element = ET.SubElement(child_li, "a", href=link_url) a_element.text = error_prefix a_element.tail = " " + single_issue_message else: child_li.text = error_prefix + " " + single_issue_message else: child_li.text = error_prefix + " " + single_issue_message continue context_li = ET.SubElement(parent_element, "li") context_li.text = _format_single_context_string(context[0], context[1]) context_ul = ET.SubElement(context_li, "ul") _create_error_tree(value, context_ul, add_link) return parent_element
[docs]def replace_tag_references(list_or_dict): """ Utility function to remove any references to tags, strings, etc. from any type of nested list or dict. Use this if you want to save out issues to a file. If you'd prefer a copy returned, use replace_tag_references(list_or_dict.copy()). Parameters: list_or_dict(list or dict): An arbitrarily nested list/dict structure """ if isinstance(list_or_dict, dict): for key, value in list_or_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): replace_tag_references(value) elif isinstance(value, (bool, float, int)): list_or_dict[key] = value else: list_or_dict[key] = str(value) elif isinstance(list_or_dict, list): for key, value in enumerate(list_or_dict): if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): replace_tag_references(value) elif isinstance(value, (bool, float, int)): list_or_dict[key] = value else: list_or_dict[key] = str(value)