Source code for

""" Support utilities for word cloud generation. """
import random
from random import Random

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter
import matplotlib as mp1
import wordcloud as wcloud

[docs]def generate_contour_svg(wc, width, height): """ Generate an SVG contour mask based on a word cloud object and dimensions. Parameters: wc (WordCloud): The word cloud object. width (int): SVG image width in pixels. height (int): SVG image height in pixels. Returns: str: SVG point list for the contour mask, or empty string if not generated. """ contour = _get_contour_mask(wc, width, height) if contour is None: return "" return _numpy_to_svg(contour, radius=wc.contour_width, color=wc.contour_color)
def _get_contour_mask(wc, width, height): """ Slightly tweaked copy of internal WorldCloud function to allow transparency for mask. Parameters: wc (WordCloud): Representation of the word cloud. width (int): Width of the generated mask. height (int): Height of generated mask. Returns: Image: Image of mask. """ if wc.mask is None or wc.contour_width == 0 or wc.contour_color is None: return None mask = wc._get_bolean_mask(wc.mask) * 255 contour = Image.fromarray(mask.astype(np.uint8)) contour = contour.resize((width, height)) contour = contour.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) contour = np.array(contour) # make sure borders are not drawn before changing width contour[[0, -1], :] = 0 contour[:, [0, -1]] = 0 return contour def _draw_contour(wc, img: Image): """Slightly tweaked copy of internal WorldCloud function to allow transparency. Parameters: wc (WordCloud): Wordcloud object. img (Image): Image to work with. Returns: Image: Modified image. """ contour = _get_contour_mask(wc, img.width, img.height) if contour is None: return img # use gaussian to change width, divide by 10 to give more resolution radius = wc.contour_width / 10 contour = Image.fromarray(contour) contour = contour.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=radius)) contour = np.array(contour) > 0 if img.mode == 'RGBA': contour = np.dstack((contour, contour, contour, contour)) else: contour = np.dstack((contour, contour, contour)) # color the contour ret = np.array(img) * np.invert(contour) color = np.array(, img.size, wc.contour_color)) ret += color * contour return Image.fromarray(ret) # Replace WordCloud function with one that can handle transparency wcloud.WordCloud._draw_contour = _draw_contour def _numpy_to_svg(contour, radius=1, color="black"): """ Convert a numpy array to SVG. Parameters: contour (np.Array): Image to be converted. radius (float): The radius of the contour to draw. color(string): the color to draw it as, e.g. "red" Returns: str: The SVG representation. """ svg_elements = [] points = np.array(contour.nonzero()).T for y, x in points: svg_elements.append(f'<circle cx="{x}" cy="{y}" r="{radius}" stroke="{color}" fill="{color}" />') return '\n'.join(svg_elements)
[docs]def random_color_darker(random_state=None): """Random color generation function. Parameters: random_state (Random or None): Previous state of random generation for next color generation. Returns: str: Represents a hue, saturation, and lightness. """ if random_state is None: random_state = Random() return f"hsl({random_state.randint(0, 255)}, {random_state.randint(50, 100)}%, {random_state.randint(0, 50)}%)"
[docs]class ColormapColorFunc: """ Represents a colormap. """
[docs] def __init__(self, colormap='nipy_spectral', color_range=(0.0, 0.5), color_step_range=(0.15, 0.25)): """Initialize a word cloud color generator. Parameters: colormap (str, optional): The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for generating colors. Defaults to 'nipy_spectral'. color_range (tuple of float, optional): A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values to use from the colormap. Defaults to (0.0, 0.5). color_step_range (tuple of float, optional): A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values to step through the colormap. Defaults to (0.15, 0.25). This is the speed at which it goes through the range chosen. .25 means it will go through 1/4 of the range each pick. """ self.colormap = mp1.colormaps[colormap] self.color_range = color_range self.color_step_range = color_step_range self.current_fraction = random.uniform(0, 1) # Start at a random point
[docs] def color_func(self, word, font_size, position, orientation, random_state=None, **kwargs): """ Update the current color fraction and wrap around if necessary. """ color_step = random.uniform(*self.color_step_range) self.current_fraction = (self.current_fraction + color_step) % 1.0 # Scale the fraction to the desired range scaled_fraction = self.color_range[0] + (self.current_fraction * (self.color_range[1] - self.color_range[0])) # Get the color from the colormap color = self.colormap(scaled_fraction) return tuple(int(c * 255) for c in color[:3]) # Convert to RGB format
default_color_func = ColormapColorFunc().color_func