Source code for

""" Summarize the contents of tabular files. """

import json
from hed.errors.exceptions import HedFileError
from import get_new_dataframe
from import generate_sidecar_entry

[docs]class TabularSummary: """ Summarize the contents of tabular files. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value_cols=None, skip_cols=None, name=''): """ Constructor for a BIDS tabular file summary. Parameters: value_cols (list, None): List of columns to be treated as value columns. skip_cols (list, None): List of columns to be skipped. name (str): Name associated with the dictionary. """ = name self.categorical_info = {} self.value_info = {} if value_cols and skip_cols and set(value_cols).intersection(skip_cols): raise HedFileError("ValueSkipOverlap", f"Value columns {str(value_cols)} and skip columns {str(skip_cols)} cannot overlap", "") if value_cols: for value in value_cols: self.value_info[value] = [0, 0] if skip_cols: self.skip_cols = skip_cols.copy() else: self.skip_cols = [] self.total_files = 0 self.total_events = 0 self.files = {}
def __str__(self): indent = " " summary_list = [f"Summary for column dictionary {}:"] sorted_keys = sorted(self.categorical_info.keys()) summary_list.append(f"{indent}Categorical columns ({len(sorted_keys)}):") for key in sorted_keys: value_dict = self.categorical_info[key] sorted_v_keys = sorted(list(value_dict)) summary_list.append(f"{indent * 2}{key} ({len(sorted_v_keys)} distinct values):") for v_key in sorted_v_keys: summary_list.append(f"{indent * 3}{v_key}: {value_dict[v_key]}") sorted_cols = sorted(map(str, list(self.value_info))) summary_list.append(f"{indent}Value columns ({len(sorted_cols)}):") for key in sorted_cols: summary_list.append(f"{indent * 2}{key}: {self.value_info[key]}") return "\n".join(summary_list)
[docs] def extract_sidecar_template(self): """ Extract a BIDS sidecar-compatible dictionary.""" side_dict = {} for column_name, columns in self.categorical_info.items(): column_values = list(columns.keys()) column_values.sort() side_dict[column_name] = generate_sidecar_entry(column_name, column_values) for column_name in self.value_info.keys(): side_dict[column_name] = generate_sidecar_entry(column_name, []) return side_dict
[docs] def get_summary(self, as_json=False): sorted_keys = sorted(self.categorical_info.keys()) categorical_cols = {} for key in sorted_keys: cat_dict = self.categorical_info[key] sorted_v_keys = sorted(list(cat_dict)) val_dict = {} for v_key in sorted_v_keys: val_dict[v_key] = cat_dict[v_key] categorical_cols[key] = val_dict sorted_cols = sorted(map(str, list(self.value_info))) value_cols = {} for key in sorted_cols: value_cols[key] = self.value_info[key] summary = {"Name":, "Total events": self.total_events, "Total files": self.total_files, "Categorical columns": categorical_cols, "Value columns": value_cols, "Skip columns": self.skip_cols, "Files": self.files} if as_json: return json.dumps(summary, indent=4) else: return summary
[docs] def get_number_unique(self, column_names=None): """ Return the number of unique values in columns. Parameters: column_names (list, None): A list of column names to analyze or all columns if None. Returns: dict: Column names are the keys and the number of unique values in the column are the values. """ if not column_names: column_names = list(self.categorical_info.keys()) counts = {} for column_name in column_names: if column_name not in self.categorical_info: counts[column_name] = 'n/a' else: counts[column_name] = len(self.categorical_info[column_name].keys()) return counts
[docs] def update(self, data, name=None): """ Update the counts based on data. Parameters: data (DataFrame, str, or list): DataFrame containing data to update. name (str): Name of the summary """ if isinstance(data, list): for filename in data: self._update_dataframe(filename, filename) elif isinstance(data, str): self._update_dataframe(data, data) else: self._update_dataframe(data, name)
[docs] def update_summary(self, tab_sum): """ Add TabularSummary values to this object. Parameters: tab_sum (TabularSummary): A TabularSummary to be combined. Notes: - The value_cols and skip_cols are updated as long as they are not contradictory. - A new skip column cannot be used. """ self.total_files = self.total_files + tab_sum.total_files self.total_events = self.total_events + tab_sum.total_events for file, key in tab_sum.files.items(): self.files[file] = '' self._update_dict_skip(tab_sum) self._update_dict_value(tab_sum) self._update_dict_categorical(tab_sum)
def _update_categorical(self, tab_name, values): if tab_name not in self.categorical_info: self.categorical_info[tab_name] = {} total_values = self.categorical_info[tab_name] for name, value in values.items(): value_list = total_values.get(name, [0, 0]) if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value, 1] total_values[name] = [value_list[0] + value[0], value_list[1] + value[1]] def _update_dataframe(self, data, name): df = get_new_dataframe(data) if name: self.files[name] = "" self.total_files = self.total_files + 1 self.total_events = self.total_events + len(df.index) for col_name, col_values in df.items(): if self.skip_cols and col_name in self.skip_cols: continue if col_name in self.value_info.keys(): self.value_info[col_name][0] = self.value_info[col_name][0] + len(col_values) self.value_info[col_name][1] = self.value_info[col_name][1] + 1 else: col_values = col_values.astype(str) values = col_values.value_counts(ascending=True) self._update_categorical(col_name, values) def _update_dict_categorical(self, col_dict): new_cat_cols = col_dict.categorical_info.keys() if not new_cat_cols: return val_cols = self.value_info.keys() for col in new_cat_cols: if col in val_cols: raise HedFileError("CatColShouldBeValueCol", f"Categorical column [{str(col)}] is already a value column", "") elif col in self.skip_cols: continue else: self._update_categorical(col, col_dict.categorical_info[col]) def _update_dict_skip(self, col_dict): if not col_dict.skip_cols: return cat_cols = self.categorical_info.keys() val_cols = self.value_info.keys() for col in col_dict.skip_cols: if col in cat_cols or col in val_cols: raise HedFileError("SkipColInvalid", f"Skip column [{str(col)}] is already a categorical or value column", "") elif col not in self.skip_cols: self.skip_cols.append(col) def _update_dict_value(self, col_dict): new_value_cols = col_dict.value_info.keys() if not new_value_cols: return cat_cols = self.categorical_info.keys() val_cols = self.value_info.keys() for col in new_value_cols: if col in cat_cols: raise HedFileError("ValueColIsCatCol", f"Value column [{str(col)}] is already a categorical column", "") elif col in self.skip_cols: continue elif col not in val_cols: self.value_info[col] = col_dict.value_info[col] else: self.value_info[col] = [self.value_info[col][0] + col_dict.value_info[col][0], self.value_info[col][1] + col_dict.value_info[col][1]]
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_summary(summary_info): """ Create a TabularSummary object from a serialized summary Parameters: summary_info (dict or str): A JSON string or a dictionary containing contents of a TabularSummary. Returns: TabularSummary: contains the information in summary_info as a TabularSummary object. """ if isinstance(summary_info, str): summary_info = json.loads(summary_info) new_tab = TabularSummary(value_cols=summary_info.get('Value columns', {}).keys(), skip_cols=summary_info.get('Skip columns', []), name=summary_info.get('Summary name', '')) new_tab.value_info = summary_info.get('Value_columns', {}) new_tab.total_files = summary_info.get('Total files', 0) new_tab.total_events = summary_info.get('Total events', 0) new_tab.skip_cols = summary_info.get('Skip columns', []) new_tab.categorical_info = summary_info.get('Categorical columns', {}) new_tab.files = summary_info.get('Files', {}) return new_tab
[docs] @staticmethod def get_columns_info(dataframe, skip_cols=None): """ Extract unique value counts for columns. Parameters: dataframe (DataFrame): The DataFrame to be analyzed. skip_cols(list): List of names of columns to be skipped in the extraction. Returns: dict: A dictionary with keys that are column names and values that are dictionaries of unique value counts. """ col_info = dict() for col_name, col_values in dataframe.items(): if skip_cols and col_name in skip_cols: continue col_info[col_name] = col_values.value_counts(ascending=True).to_dict() return col_info
[docs] @staticmethod def make_combined_dicts(file_dictionary, skip_cols=None): """ Return combined and individual summaries. Parameters: file_dictionary (FileDictionary): Dictionary of file name keys and full path. skip_cols (list): Name of the column. Returns: tuple: - TabularSummary: Summary of the file dictionary. - dict: of individual TabularSummary objects. """ summary_all = TabularSummary(skip_cols=skip_cols) summary_dict = {} for key, file_path in file_dictionary.items(): orig_dict = TabularSummary(skip_cols=skip_cols) df = get_new_dataframe(file_path) orig_dict.update(df) summary_dict[key] = orig_dict summary_all.update_summary(orig_dict) return summary_all, summary_dict